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Welsh clubs based in England concept

Roy Race 9

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Every version I move the Welsh clubs back to play in the Welsh leagues and obviously update the English system to allow this, and it works with no issues-but the Welsh clubs have to have every option here set to Wales



I was going to try something different this year and have the Welsh clubs still play in England but create 'B' Teams/reserve/ or just use their existing U21/U18 teams to play in the Welsh league+cups

now here is the issue should those B/reserve/U23 teams qualify for Europe, which would likely happen, would this cause an issue?

would it be better to set the continental cup nation to Wales[but that would mean should the main  Swansea side etc  qualify for Europe whilst playing in England they would be unable to do so] 

just wanting some suggestions on this is there something like this I can look at a club with reserve teams playing outside its 'normal' nation




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I don't see it causing any issues. They may actually be blocked from qualifying for Europe due to being B/reserve/youth teams. If not there are way to make it so they are blocked.

If you set their continental cup nation to England they'll definitely be blocked. If you set it to Wales it won't affect the main team, may still have them blocked and like I said you could add an instruction to filter out B teams for European qualification places anyway if you didn't want them involved. But if they can and do qualify I don't think that would result in any issues, it would IRL obviously, but the game doesn't seem to care about that kind of thing.

For existing ones like that, there's Albirex Niigata. There main team is in Japan but they have a satellite team in Singapore. The Singapore team is shown as being from Japan and is blocked from qualifying for continental competitions. Although I think that may be hardcoded since the database still has them as Singapore for everything. They can also be pulled into custom continental competitions and will show up there as Singaporean too.

You could also look at DPMM. They're kind of the opposite in that they're a Bruneian club playing in Singapore with a B team in the Bruneian league. A bit more like what you're trying to do. But they're blocked from qualifying for continental competitions through the Singaporean league, not sure if the B team are able to or not.


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Thank you for the feedback just what I wanted to hear:D

I actually want the B/reserve teams to be able to qualify for Europe if they can achieve this via the Welsh pyramid

I will be interested to see what the AI teams do would they use their better/first team players in the  Welsh Prem league  as it gives them the best route into European comps ;)

and following on from that would a B team who does then play in Europe would that get loaded with first team players by the AI  its an interesting concept and I will certainly have a go at this to see how it plays out 


Edited by Roy Race 9
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6 hours ago, rusty217 said:

I don't see it causing any issues. They may actually be blocked from qualifying for Europe due to being B/reserve/youth teams. If not there are way to make it so they are blocked.

If you set their continental cup nation to England they'll definitely be blocked. If you set it to Wales it won't affect the main team, may still have them blocked and like I said you could add an instruction to filter out B teams for European qualification places anyway if you didn't want them involved. But if they can and do qualify I don't think that would result in any issues, it would IRL obviously, but the game doesn't seem to care about that kind of thing.

For existing ones like that, there's Albirex Niigata. There main team is in Japan but they have a satellite team in Singapore. The Singapore team is shown as being from Japan and is blocked from qualifying for continental competitions. Although I think that may be hardcoded since the database still has them as Singapore for everything. They can also be pulled into custom continental competitions and will show up there as Singaporean too.

You could also look at DPMM. They're kind of the opposite in that they're a Bruneian club playing in Singapore with a B team in the Bruneian league. A bit more like what you're trying to do. But they're blocked from qualifying for continental competitions through the Singaporean league, not sure if the B team are able to or not.


Wow, reading up on DPMM and they've played in the top division of three different countries, that's got to be a record? I thought the Austrian teams who briefly played in the German structure were relatively unique that way

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16 hours ago, themodelcitizen said:

Wow, reading up on DPMM and they've played in the top division of three different countries, that's got to be a record? I thought the Austrian teams who briefly played in the German structure were relatively unique that way

Probably quite a few in the former Soviet, Yugoslav and Czechoslovakian countries too.

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