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How can i improve the MLS?


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Hello , im looking for advice on how best to implement these ideas , as im generally new to the editor never mind the advanced rules. 

so i want to make the MLS a little more stronger. im a big fan of US sports (NFL) and quite enjoy the rules & salary cap aspect of the MLS so i dont want to change any of that. 

i would like to.. 

1. try to improve the youth strength if possible, can only think of increasing game importance to Very Important. dont want to artificially inflate facilities etc though hopefully just naturally allow better youth to come through.

2. Economic boost, this is kind of a fantasy idea but i see it more as just pre empting the inevitable, i want to realistically boost the economy of the MLS. im thinking give each team a realistic increase of TV money to act as a revenue bump to all teams as sponsorships are generally low and not much to make money in north america / continent. adding to that is there a way for me to increase the prize money for MLS & NACL,  couldnt find anything while browsing the advanced rules to edit comp prize money. lastly can i increase the salary cap at a higher rate than it does already ? i know its set now to real life but i think im game after about 5 years it gets up to around $7mil in the editor , but i can see real life being further than that closer to $10. there is already talk of a big increase in salary cap to closer to 7 for 24/25 after messi effect. 

3. DP slots , this is the the one i doubt is do able , dont think i even want to as the ai cant handle it as it is haha. is it possible to increase DP slots from 3 to 4? 

im looking to give the MLS a realistic but impactful boost to allow it to grow a little easier in game. not looking to change anything too unrealistic just general financial boosts / youth boost as incan see the MLS developing more into its youth in the next few years , the tv deal with the likes of apple / general revenue of the mls teams is bound to increase too and the general level of the talent / league is increasing quicker than whats possible in the game, any advice or pointers is very appreciated

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