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Current Player Ability in National Teams

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I can't understand what the current ability of the players is when I try to make the call-ups for the national teams. What I see in the selected list does not coincide with the CA within the team roster, among other things the sorting by CA does not work correctly. Furthermore, what I see in the current squad is still different to what is displayed within the tactics page during the match. From what I understand it seems to me that on the initial training selection page the ordering still coincides with the observer ratios of the selected list. However, the fact remains that the whole process is very confusing and it is often not possible to make the calls in the best way. This morning I also just downloaded the latest version but the problem is still there.





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  • SI Staff

Hi there, the sorting and ability in matches are known issues and should be fixed in the winter update. In terms of current ability of players you want to call up, what would you like to see here? Having the whole of one nationality scouted wouldn't be realistic, we also don't have staff for national teams currently so would be interested as to some suggestions. 

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Hi Tom, thanks for your reply. I'll explain what I do when the time to confirm the call-ups approaches: I have the players for whom I don't have a recent report observed by my club's observers and then I order them in decreasing order for the CA and from there I take the players I need to complete the roster. The only problem in this process is that my scouts cannot observe players who are about to retire, so I have to include them in the team and check the CA on the squad screen.

I completely understand that it doesn't make sense for me to automatically see all the skills of all the players in my national team but it would still be convenient to have an observer for the national team (perhaps even one I have in my club) who has no observability limits on the footballers from my national team.

Obviously, the CA that I want to see in my squad screen is the one discovered by my observers in the same way that I see during the matches

Edited by markmaior
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