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FM 20++ New Training Schedule UI PLS


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Can we please have a more fluid training UI setup.  At the moment I need to select 66 squares and fill them in for this month training schedule.  I find this section to bog me down at times especially when i want to quick play.  I'm sure there are several ways to cut the load or micromanagement tasks by pushing it onto your staff.

1.  You can reduce the amount of blocks individually by amalgamating them with other blocks, reduces the amount of blocks you need to fill up.
2.  After hiring some coaches i'm sure they are good enough to handle this themselves with little input from the users (ME).

It's the one area of FM i would like to see chopped down in a more streamlined manner and for the ME not taking too much time choosing a schedule.  

For all others please add your ideas to the post and hopefully we can see a more less time consuming activity in the training schedule screen when it comes to setting it up.



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