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Question about promoting youth and unhappiness.

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It has happened twice and is a bit annoying, I had a youth player who was ready for the first team, I promoted him to regular starter before the end of season but before the transfer window he complained about never being able to break into the first team and wanted out. The thing is that my two aging strikers were on their way out, both already out on paper, one signed a free contract for an Arabic team and the other I sold.

In the conversation I wasn´t able to tell "the kid" that it was his time to shine, there were only options to refuse his request or loan/sell him.  I tried everything but he wanted to be sold as he was never going to get first team football according to his "thoughts", had no option to convince him that he would feature regularly now. I used the editor, made him happy and all was well, gave him a fat contract .... and he was now my new striker, felt really bad about it though, hate cheating but couldn´t really see any other option.


Last season the same happened, this time I didn´t use the editor, I bit the dust and waited things out to see if he would change his mind as I made him a regular starter and played him accordingly. A year later and two transfer windows gone he still wants out believing he will never see first team football.


It´s not something that happens often, only seen it twice in FM and only in this version.

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3 hours ago, kentonizking said:

I've recently had this- and the only thing that stopped it was minutes. Not a lot either.

Give him some minutes and he'll soon pipe down 


I am a year in, he had 39 games as a squad player, is very happy with his playing time but still doesn´t think he will ever break in to the first team. This may bug out for some players.

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4 hours ago, kentonizking said:

Oh right, that's very different to my experience. 

Have you reported this as a possible bug?



I waited another 6 months, another transfer window passed by and he kept prolonging his thoughts "would never break into the first team" ... I used the editor to remove unhappiness and he withdrew the transfer demands.

Fortunately the "remove unhappiness" button has no impact on players demanding play time, they still demand to be played and their unhappiness about that specific issue remains. I don´t know, may be a bug or not.

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