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[Solved] Cup Passes Test Competitions but fails Test Rules Validation


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I have a 5th tier League in which the bottom 15 teams go to an end of season Cup. No relegation.

I have the qualification rules set on the League and on the Cup I have it set to Get Qualified Teams from Stage. When I do Test Competitions, the Cup properly populates and executes.


But when I do a Validation (Rules > Test Rules > All) I get an error saying the stage does not populate "can't find enough teams to be created." 0 teams found.


Any help on why this would be happening? Below are the relevant settings, happy to share more. Thank you!


Qualification Rules for the League - Positions 15-30, set the competition to qualify for, and set the stage index. I have also tried "Teams 'Drop' Instead of 'Qualify' For This Stage"



Teams rules in the Cup stage - Get Qualified Teams From Stage, set the competition to pull from and stage name, set team sort and seeding.

I have also tried Get Qualified Teams For Comp here but no dice

(images attached)



Edited by underklassh3ro
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Does it have a minimum division level required set?

My first thought is that it could be failing during the test of the top division, since verification only runs one division at a team when the 5th division isn't running it wouldn't qualify the teams to the cup. If the cup is set to only run when at least the 5th division is loaded that should solve the issue. Like in England the EFL Vase won't run if you're only running the EPL.

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On 16/12/2023 at 01:22, rusty217 said:

Does it have a minimum division level required set?

My first thought is that it could be failing during the test of the top division, since verification only runs one division at a team when the 5th division isn't running it wouldn't qualify the teams to the cup. If the cup is set to only run when at least the 5th division is loaded that should solve the issue. Like in England the EFL Vase won't run if you're only running the EPL.

I think I've set that and it hasn't fixed the issue but let me know if this is incorrect: I went to the advanced rules for the Cup > General > "Fake Competition if Lowest Selected Division is Above Level" and set it to "4" since this is the 5th tier. 

When validating rules, it errors out during "Creating Competitions" stage towards the beginning. However I just gave it a manual Setup Date that is a few days after the League ends, which at least gets me past "Creating Competitions" during rules validation but now it errors out in "Running Competitions"

EDIT: Seems I've got it and you were exactly right - On the Nation Advanced Rules > Competitions I set the minimum selected division and Dont Use If Competition Doesnt Exist there, and am able to verify. Thank you @rusty217 :)

Edited by underklassh3ro
Solved I think
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I think you're correct because I'm noticing that when I verify  the divisions 1 by 1, I can verify all divisions including at and below this one (tier 5), but when I try to verify tier 1,2,3, or 4 I get the "cant find enough teams error"

So setting the minimum required division (and getting the validate to respect that) should work but as noted above setting that Fake Competition value isn't doing anything

However I found something else odd - when I do get this error, the cup still creates but adds all Tier 6 (?!) teams. I then checked the base details tab and Competition Level is set to 6 and it resets itself to 6 every time

EDIT: See Above, believe I've got it

Edited by underklassh3ro
Solved I think
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  • underklassh3ro changed the title to [Solved] Cup Passes Test Competitions but fails Test Rules Validation

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