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How slow gets the game?

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Hey folks,

maybe a simple question with a not so simple answer.

Because I have a rly good PC and esp. processor (and the game got quite a bit faster) I´d thought about a database for a longterm save which truely reflects a global football-world. I will end up with most players loaded and about 250 leagues (mainly in europe though). Because I never done that and have no real comparison - the question above.

How much of a slowdown can I exspect like 10, 20, 30 years in? My average week with all the leagues playable (but default detail) is about 5-7 min loading time (depending on whats going on of course) at the start (tested over a three month period). Because I had previous FM-saves where this time was more than double it is totally acceptable for me. And I dont mind the waiting, but at some point it will get tedious I reckon. So any guys or gals of course with experience with such big game-setups?

thx in advance!

edit: It is mainly to make the pentagon challenge a lot harder and I will have the time for it in the coming years  :D

edit 2: The loading time of 5-7 min is with the mentioned setup and not only the default leagues. I tried this setups in previous iterations before, but not for longterm but rather for testing ...

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I would ask what you consider to be the advantage of loading 250 leagues and say 250000 players and realistically only being interested in about 1% of them.  Your save game will start large and grow as the years go on with the inevitable slow down, so only you can judge whether it is worth it.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb FrazT:

I would ask what you consider to be the advantage of loading 250 leagues and say 250000 players and realistically only being interested in about 1% of them.  Your save game will start large and grow as the years go on with the inevitable slow down, so only you can judge whether it is worth it.

If you want to play the pentagon-challenge then esp. in Africa, CONCACAF and in part in Asia it is imo very beneficial to have much more leagues loaded, because the competition about the international club trophies gets harder. And you start unemployed, with no coaching badges. So if you get your first job in CONCACAF for example, you most definitely will not manage a club in Mexico, USA, Honduras or Canada, which are the most likely to get you relatively fast to glory. Same goes for all other continents. And you still have the option to reduce leagues, although my goal would be not to. It´s not just about the practical side of things, rather its a somewhat irrational love for the game. Sometimes I can get lost for two hours watching stadium-pics of some obscure league (of course with graphic-addons). So the more information in my football-world is available the better for me. And I am more than willing to have longer loading times for that.

Still - there is the question if it gets to slow after xx years and if yes, when this will happen. If after 30 years my loading times for a week are 10 min or smth I would completely go with that. Like I mentioned - I dont mind the waiting. Unfortunatly I have no long term experience with such a large setup - hence the question.

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb Spallo:

maybe a simple question with a not so simple answer.

Hence this section on the entry of the post :rolleyes:

I dont want a definitive answer. I never experienced a dramatic slowdown in my long term saves, but I also had never such a big setup and planned to go decades deep. Longest save I played was in FM2014 I think, where I took the great challenge of RB Leipzig from 5th tier to CL :D I played till mid 2030ies I think and had smth like 70 leagues loaded. Slowdown was noticable but not that much and the loading times were way higher as nowadays. 

My question is maybe a bit misleading - If someone can tell me with relative confidence, that my loading times will not double in 50 years of playing or this scenario is highly unlikely, then I have my answer :)

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22 minutes ago, Spallo said:

My question is maybe a bit misleading - If someone can tell me with relative confidence, that my loading times will not double in 50 years of playing or this scenario is highly unlikely, then I have my answer :)

But that's the point, that is more specific than people can answer.  There's no way anyone can tell you for sure.  Different specs, different setups.  There will almost certainly be slowdown, but anything anyone answers probably isn't going to have much relevance.

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Yeah I get that point. But surely someone has experience with this kind of setup and can tell me about it. If I go with my own experience it is a no-brainer esp. with the faster loading times of FM24 and my very good PC-specs. But I want to avoid, if possible, a situation where I am on year 2042 with a CONCACAF and an Asian CL title on the verge of getting a the african-part done and then having to stop playing because of 10 min loading a single day. 

In the end I will try it anyways I guess :D

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2 hours ago, Spallo said:

Yeah I get that point. But surely someone has experience with this kind of setup and can tell me about it. If I go with my own experience it is a no-brainer esp. with the faster loading times of FM24 and my very good PC-specs. But I want to avoid, if possible, a situation where I am on year 2042 with a CONCACAF and an Asian CL title on the verge of getting a the african-part done and then having to stop playing because of 10 min loading a single day. 

In the end I will try it anyways I guess :D

You can always remove active leagues if it slows down too much.

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