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My dream for the ultimate network save in FM

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My dream has always been to be able to setup a headless FM network game that runs in real-time. With every single league in the game loaded (including all the custom databases that add all missing countries) with max detail.

The game world would run in real time, so players can hop off and hop on when it's convenient for them (when they are making transfers, setting up training etc) there would be a phone app available so players can receive alerts for activity so they don't have to always be available or online. Even if you have a match, the match would be taken over by ass man if you can't be present for it.

The entire game would be seamless, player count would be on mmo count levels because there would be so many available leauges. Playert can hop in and out when they want. Retire, come back to a new unused team.

Every league would be loaded so every competition in the world of football would be active. Imagine just winning the champs league in Europe against human players then resigning and trying your luck over in Asia where you are going up against another set of real human players

A man can dream can't he?



Edited by Birdman10piyu
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