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National team management- star is out of contract

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I am manger of international team of Gabon (81th), one of my young stars has ended his contract and was released from his club. 
5 months later still without club. 
he is not expensive (like 1,000 gbp per week) and scoring a lot. I am playing 12 viewable and 1 playable countries. 
is there any way to talk to him, via discussion or something, to point him, that I would like him to start searching the team to play?

Any other tweeks?

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17 hours ago, drajen said:

I am manger of international team of Gabon (81th), one of my young stars has ended his contract and was released from his club. 
5 months later still without club. 
he is not expensive (like 1,000 gbp per week) and scoring a lot. I am playing 12 viewable and 1 playable countries. 
is there any way to talk to him, via discussion or something, to point him, that I would like him to start searching the team to play?

Any other tweeks?

as a International manager you have very as in very very limited interactions with players club wise

So as said above. ingame editor would be the way for you to go and place the player in a club.. or play it as is and hope life finds a way.

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One of the reasons I never use a large database, if you don´t have quite a few leagues running you will end up with a lot of decent players doing nothing. Don´t know how many leagues it should take to accommodate a large database, I am running a medium with 12 leagues .... and I find it too large, still plenty of good footballers with no job.

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