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adding new countries


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Yes you can add new countries, however you will need to replace an extinct one within the editor. I'm actually creating a Nation right now, so I replaced "Ireland (Pre-1922)", but there are plenty others to be used as well.

The only thing you might struggle with is changing the Continent, as this is something you actually can't do unless you know how to edit the editor. A little search on youtube should allow you to figure this out, although be warned that it can mess up your editor if you do it wrong, meaning you have to uninstall not just the editor but FM24 as well and reinstall it.

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1 minute ago, MichaelNevo said:

Da, dodajate lahko nove države, vendar boste morali v urejevalniku nadomestiti izumrlo. Pravzaprav prav zdaj ustvarjam Nation, zato sem zamenjal "Irska (pred 1922)", vendar je na voljo tudi veliko drugih.

Edina stvar, s katero bi se lahko spopadli, je spreminjanje celine, saj tega pravzaprav ne morete narediti, če ne znate urejati urejevalnika. Majhno iskanje po YouTubu bi vam moralo omogočiti, da to ugotovite, čeprav vas opozarjamo, da lahko pokvari vaš urejevalnik, če naredite narobe, kar pomeni, da morate odstraniti ne samo urejevalnik, ampak tudi FM24 in ga znova namestiti.

how many new countries can i make from dead ones?

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You physically cannot add a new nation object into the database, hence the replacement stuff.  You take one nation you don't want, and you change all the details with it to match the "new" one.  It's a one-to-one mapping, one dead country becomes one new country.

2 hours ago, MichaelNevo said:

Yes you can add new countries, however you will need to replace an extinct one within the editor. I'm actually creating a Nation right now, so I replaced "Ireland (Pre-1922)", but there are plenty others to be used as well.

The only thing you might struggle with is changing the Continent, as this is something you actually can't do unless you know how to edit the editor. A little search on youtube should allow you to figure this out, although be warned that it can mess up your editor if you do it wrong, meaning you have to uninstall not just the editor but FM24 as well and reinstall it.

Slight addendum to this, it doesn't need to be an extinct country you replace, but obviously they're the easiest candidate.  You can replace any nation in the database, but the ones that aren't extinct will come with all the baggage and other objects associated with them.  

The continent change stuff is a lot easier than it used to be with the skin option, but even before I'd never heard of situations that would require complete reinstalls of the game and editor.

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6 minutes ago, forameuss said:

You physically cannot add a new nation object into the database, hence the replacement stuff.  You take one nation you don't want, and you change all the details with it to match the "new" one.  It's a one-to-one mapping, one dead country becomes one new country.

Slight addendum to this, it doesn't need to be an extinct country you replace, but obviously they're the easiest candidate.  You can replace any nation in the database, but the ones that aren't extinct will come with all the baggage and other objects associated with them.  

The continent change stuff is a lot easier than it used to be with the skin option, but even before I'd never heard of situations that would require complete reinstalls of the game and editor.

can i make two from one death in the same country?

So I make one save through the editor

then I go back to the same dead country and make a new one

and that he would then have both in the game

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10 minutes ago, kostaricki said:

can i make two from one death in the same country?

So I make one save through the editor

then I go back to the same dead country and make a new one

and that he would then have both in the game

No.  Like I said, it's a one-to-one mapping.  You use one country to create a new one.  You can't create a new nation object, you have to use what's there.

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28 minutes ago, forameuss said:

Ne. Kot sem rekel, gre za preslikavo ena proti ena. Uporabite eno državo, da ustvarite novo. Ne morete ustvariti novega predmeta države, uporabiti morate tisto, kar je tam.

it's a shame because I thought I would divide Russia and China and create a competition to play against each other
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1 hour ago, forameuss said:

You physically cannot add a new nation object into the database, hence the replacement stuff.  You take one nation you don't want, and you change all the details with it to match the "new" one.  It's a one-to-one mapping, one dead country becomes one new country.

Slight addendum to this, it doesn't need to be an extinct country you replace, but obviously they're the easiest candidate.  You can replace any nation in the database, but the ones that aren't extinct will come with all the baggage and other objects associated with them.  

The continent change stuff is a lot easier than it used to be with the skin option, but even before I'd never heard of situations that would require complete reinstalls of the game and editor.

I was basically going for the obvious, dont know why anyone would want to replace an active nation, but each to their own.

Unfortunately I fell foul of needing a complete reinstall, I was a relative amateur so I messed up and despite deleting and reinstalling the files for the editor it still wouldn't load up due to an error, so I had to remove fm24 altogether.

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1 hour ago, kostaricki said:

but with fm 12 would that be possible?

No. There is no FM12 version that allows for it, except for replacing and I am not sure if the extinct nations in FM12 are that numerous yet.

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