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suggesting new option to get feedback on your tactical mistakes: consult assistant manager


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I posted an idea for a Consult Assistant Manager option on the main feedback thread for FM 24, and it became a popular post.

Link below.

The idea is that some of the useful feedback given on the forums by FM staff which is accurate could be incorporated into the FM game itself.

It could be spoken by your assistant manager if you go to consult him/her.


This way the game would be more immersive. And it would ensure the tactical advice you read is accurate and helpful.


It would also eliminate the current problem that the forums are packed with advice posted by well-meaning people but is in fact incorrect information.

Plus the other problems that good information can be buried deep in forums and be hard to find, and that advice can also become out-dated as new version of the game are published.

Re-pasting the idea here, thank you:


Why dont you make a 'Consult Assistant Manager' option inside the game?


You click this option and it opens up a chat where you can get your assistant to explain some things about how different roles or positions work to clear up any confusion or issues I might be having with my formation and tactics?


Asst Manager: Hi Jeff, how can I help?

Me: I've been struggling for results and need some advice on where I might be going wrong

Asst Manager: do you want to discuss: 1) data analysis, or 2) behaviour of players in a formation

Me: 2) behaviour of players in a formation

Asst Manager: Which position on the pitch do you want to discuss? GK, LB, CB, RB, LCM, CM, RCM, AMC, LW, RW, STR ?

Me: LW

Asst Manager: Which roles in LW would you like to discuss? Inverted Forward, Winger, Raumdeuter, Advance Playmaker, Inverted Winger

Me: Inverted Forward

Asst Manager: What is the problem you are having with the LW IF? Staying wide too often? Not shooting enough? over dribbling?

Me: Staying wide too often

Asst Manager: OK Jeff, there are a few factors that can influence this and im going to mention one or two for you. Something to be aware of is that an IF staying wide can be due to a rotating player in the CM position on the same side as the IF. So ff the CM player moves up into the AMC position then the IF will stay wider in order to accommodate all the players in that stratum.... etc etc (this was the great advice given by the FM staff member on the forum)


If SI Games made this an option in the game, and packed this chat with lots of useful insightful information, then it would make the game so much more immersive and rewarding.

The higher the tactical knowledge rating of the assistant manager, the more explanations he can offer.

And there could be a limit imposed on how often you can use this consulting option, maybe you can only consult in this way once a week for example (I've got to get back to my duties now Jeff)


Original post is on page 80 of the thread


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