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In-house penalty shootout tournament to decide clubs penalty takers


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Would be cool with an in-house penalty shootout tournament to decide the penalty taker for the coming season/s. I'm not sure how accurate it is to clubs using this in real life but I definitely feel like I've heard about it before. A penalty shootout to determine who will be the first option for penalties.

To start the In-house shootout tournament you'd go to the "Penalties" section under tactics. Under this page there'd be a button to click that starts the shootout. Also a tick-box to simulate it and just get the result sent to your inbox would be neat if you don't want to watch it everytime. The tournament style would basically be every player in the first team squad takes a penalty each. If you miss you're out, and it keeps going until you have a winner. A secondary option/feature could be the possibility to set an X amount of penalties everyone would take. For example set it to "10", and everyone takes 10 penalties and you see how many out of those are scored.

This could also be a first step into getting some insight of the training grounds and stuff like that for maybe future versions.
Obviously a feature like this wouldn't need to be used and you would still be able to assign penalty takers however the user would please

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