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Board denying everything because of projected loss?

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I am at Wrexham without any debts but since the ownership changed and Deadpool left the club I have been denied every single request with a simple reason, projected loss, can´t do anything while the club is in a precarious position financially according to the board. They won´t even agree to an affiliate club.

I have been relying on at least two sales a year to maintain status quo and a healthy balance, Not. Forest with a 300 million sponsorship until last season (declined this season)  have bought a lot of good players from my squad which brings me to the weird sponsorship issue. My squad are heavyweights, 8 times champions in a row and 6 CL titles havn´t really changed my sponsorships, I am still at where I was 8 seasons ago. A lot of the sponsorships have declined for most big clubs though.

I have 200 million in the bank, some 450 million available for transfers which I can´t use due to understanding how my club functions financially. I do have a high wage budget within allowed limits but it seems that for some reason the board has spelled doom over the club since they took over 3 seasons ago. There is no doom, the club is more than fine financially.

My new board doesn´t support the club financially which Ryan Reynolds did .. could also be the reason but although Ryan did put some money every season it wasn´t needed.


I have sort of come to a halt since the club refuses everything, might just use the editor to just add and subtract what I feel is realistic in terms of facility upgrades.




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I had my club (Greystoke) set my weekly payroll at $1400/week and make us semi-professional when we clinched promotion, and then after the final game of the season, I got a message from the board that the payroll was now set at $400/week. None of the existing players would re-sign for less than the entire weekly payroll and any free agents who were interested in signing wouldn't accept a penny less than everything I had and more. I asked the board for a boost and they told me to quit bothering them...so I resigned and almost immediately got a job with Aveley in the National League South. I don't fight the board when they're determined to send the team into a tailspin, I just move on. 

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11 hours ago, podunkboy said:

I had my club (Greystoke) set my weekly payroll at $1400/week and make us semi-professional when we clinched promotion, and then after the final game of the season, I got a message from the board that the payroll was now set at $400/week. None of the existing players would re-sign for less than the entire weekly payroll and any free agents who were interested in signing wouldn't accept a penny less than everything I had and more. I asked the board for a boost and they told me to quit bothering them...so I resigned and almost immediately got a job with Aveley in the National League South. I don't fight the board when they're determined to send the team into a tailspin, I just move on. 


I just used the editor, bypassing my board entirely, they can go and preferably never come back. Even an affiliated club to which I could send regens was denied, gave myself three and paying them a good amount each year.


Used Google to try and figure out what youth facilities would cost me, deducted that and upgraded along with the training ground, freaking expensive though.


I am a happy guy, thought I would have a bad conscience by using the editor, nope, happy as ever.


I feel your pain, in FM clubs are extremely financially focused, in 2045 the wages for the top clubs are far below today´s standards. Nobody spends a 100 million on a player in my FM game except for yours truly, bought one for 180 million and he was worth it. My wages are also far above my direct competitors, all this is due to sponsorships going downhill for all clubs.

With the financial "cuffs" every club has I can only imagine what it is like to get a little club promoted and would assume the board only things about "now" ... no future thoughts.



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This issue, or ones like this, is a long term issue.

Like how the game will tell me why I can't have one more coach even though the club are swamped with available cash... but I can buy a player for £100m plus without issue.

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5 hours ago, Cobblers said:

This issue, or ones like this, is a long term issue.

Like how the game will tell me why I can't have one more coach even though the club are swamped with available cash... but I can buy a player for £100m plus without issue.

This is the third successive version that the board at Arsenal will accept my resignation rather than increase the available coaching staff by one.

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9 hours ago, Sunstrikuuu said:

This is the third successive version that the board at Arsenal will accept my resignation rather than increase the available coaching staff by one.

And that is madness, despite the fact they will gladly offer you a bumper salary come contract renewal time.

I get there are limits needed for such things like coaches, but if I'm successful then there should be more flexibility. 

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