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Is there to way have an online game constantly running that my friends and I can dip in and out of? Or the closest way to achieve this?

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So my friends and I want to have an online game where we each manage a team in the Championship, that we can jump into whenever we have time. Most of us have wives, kids and grown up responsibilities now so can’t just play FM all day everyday like we want to. 

I was thinking a ‘host’ manager could be unemployed and just have the game running all day everyday. I have a Plex server so my machine is on 24/7 anyway. Problem is, the host manager would never click continue.

Then I thought you could have the auto-continue rule set to the max, which I think is five minutes, so he would proceed the game. However, that would also mean he would be continuing the game when everyone else isn’t present, ie set as ‘on holiday’

Ideally if all the other actual managers aren’t online, and set themselves to ‘on holiday’ the game would just pause.

So basically if anyone who has a job is actually online and playing, they can play and proceed as normal. If nobody with a job is online, the game just waits.

There’ll be about five of us wanting to dip in and out.

It feels like what I want isn’t possible. The best solution is for one person to be constantly online, always playing, but that’s not a realistic option. So please can anyone suggest the best way for us to play like this?

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