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Question on width

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Hi Guys,

I was wondering if one of the experts/ hardcore FM'ers could help me please? :).

Ive set up a formation like this -





I have Robinho and Evans in very wide positions (near the corner flag) and want to utilise the full witdh of the pitch passing to them often and stretching teams. I only got a quick chance last night to try it out (the missus stopped me :() and won 4-1 against Wigan and drew away 0-0 with Aston Villa. Everything's looking good so far.

Anyhows, my question is - Does the width slider correspond to the width of the pitch? i.e is right down the centre of the field being nil width, Elano & Irelands position about halfway up the slider and right on the wings at the final notch of the slider?

Cheers mates :thup:

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If that's the case, if you placed all your players in very narrow positions on the pitch, but played with the width notch right at the top, would the players receive the ball and run out wide?

And twisted on its head, if you placed players very wide (as per my original post), but played with width very low, would they receive the ball out wide and drift inwards immediately OR wouldn't they get a pass because they were too wide?

All very very confusing this. Too confusing some might say.

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Hi Guys,

Anyhows, my question is - Does the width slider correspond to the width of the pitch?

Cheers mates :thup:

This is my view of it:

Th width slider tells you how much of the current picthes width that you are going to use..

To me it seems impossible to be in any other way( lke the width slider being a exact measure of how wide your formation will be) as you otherwise would not be able to play very, very close together in a narrow pitch in one game and then very, very spread out in a very wide pitchin the next game.

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