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How to get the best out of the AM C position

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Could do with some assistance on this one.

I've been playing variations on the 4-2-3-1 for a while now. Invariably I end up with the striker as an Advanced or Pressing Forward, wingers both on Attack, or Inside Forward, to effectively create a 3 pronged attack with Wing Back's supporting, and the centre 2 either being a BBM/BWM combination in the CM role, or a DLP / Volante combination in the DM role.

But there's just one problem. And its at AM C

When using these formations, its the one position on the park where, no matter the quality of players I put in there, ratings are poor, goalscoring is poor, assists are poor. 

I've tried as a flat AMC (Support) , a Shadow Striker, an Advanced Playmaker on Support or Attack, and consistently , regardless of talent, its a lowest rated attacking position. 

(I've yet to try Enganche or Trequarista, only because when looking over the players, those seem to be the positions that have the lowest star rating in most AM C's)

Even a tried a narrow 4-3-3 with him playing as a Shadow Strikers behind 2 Advanced Forwards with a pair of BBM behind him doing all his running, but no luck. 

Running out of ideas here. How do you get an AM C to run the show in a match, the way a De Bruyne, Fernandes or Bellingham does in real life?

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Post your tactic please but I'm struggling with them too, the AI aren't doing much with them either

I find 2 AMC's to play out pretty well but that doesn't help with your question 


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I had the same problem with an AM who should be the best player on my team. Dropped him back to the MC strata as an AP(A) and he immediately started tearing opponents apart.

I suspect the three players you mention actually all play from deeper than the AM strata in FM, even if they are nominally playing as a #10. What we think of as the classic playmaking #10 is probably better represented in FM by a DLF(S) or CF(S).

Edited by NineCloudNine
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I think that the no10 position has becoming obsolete IRL because of defensive counter shapes and this is simply FM replicating in game.

The no 10 flourished for a while because he didn't have a direct defensive opponent occupying his space, this is not the case anymore.

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il y a 52 minutes, NineCloudNine a dit :

I had the same problem with an AM who should be the best player on my team. Dropped him back to the MC strata as an AP(A) and he immediately started tearing opponents apart.

I suspect the three players you mention actually all play from deeper than the AM strata in FM, even if the are nominally playing as a #10. What we think of as the classic playmaking #10 is probably better represented in FM by a DLF(S) or CF(S).


il y a 12 minutes, Os a dit :

I think that the no10 position has becoming obsolete IRL because of defensive counter shapes and this is simply FM replicating in game.

The no 10 flourished for a while because he didn't have a direct defensive opponent occupying his space, this is not the case anymore.

Couldn’t agree more : the n10 position, in its romantic sense, is dead.

If you’re French (I don’t if it has been translated), read the « l’Odyssee du 10 » book, it’s a wonderful book about the evolution of the 10.

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16 hours ago, Lambie\'s Lovechild said:

Could do with some assistance on this one.

I've been playing variations on the 4-2-3-1 for a while now. Invariably I end up with the striker as an Advanced or Pressing Forward, wingers both on Attack, or Inside Forward, to effectively create a 3 pronged attack with Wing Back's supporting, and the centre 2 either being a BBM/BWM combination in the CM role, or a DLP / Volante combination in the DM role.

But there's just one problem. And its at AM C

When using these formations, its the one position on the park where, no matter the quality of players I put in there, ratings are poor, goalscoring is poor, assists are poor. 

I've tried as a flat AMC (Support) , a Shadow Striker, an Advanced Playmaker on Support or Attack, and consistently , regardless of talent, its a lowest rated attacking position. 

(I've yet to try Enganche or Trequarista, only because when looking over the players, those seem to be the positions that have the lowest star rating in most AM C's)

Even a tried a narrow 4-3-3 with him playing as a Shadow Strikers behind 2 Advanced Forwards with a pair of BBM behind him doing all his running, but no luck. 

Running out of ideas here. How do you get an AM C to run the show in a match, the way a De Bruyne, Fernandes or Bellingham does in real life?

Without knowing your formation and generally more information about the way you play, try the following:

AMC on Attack duty with these PIs

  • Dribble More (if you use Run At Defence on TIs then don't add this)
  • Take More Risks
  • Move Into Channels
Edited by dzek
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The thing is... you don't know what you really want from him. How do you except him to do great?

The AM C is not dead IRL and won't be for a long time.

Examples in Serie A:


Fiorentina with Bonaventura;

Torino with Vlasic;

Monza with 2 AMs;

Atalanta with koopmeiners;

Cagliari with Viola;
Empoli with Maldini;

Udinese with Pereyra;

Bologna with Ferguson;

Sassuolo with Bajrami;

Milan played with Romero yesterday in the Coppa Italia;

Verona with Bonazzoli;

Salernitana with Kastanos;

Not counting the second forward, playing as a support for the forward like Yildiz at Juventus.

It's the old n.10 that doesn't exist anymore like it was before. It changed, now he gotta defend and attack like anyone else on the field.

The AMC is a really fascinating position even in FM. You can see how easy it is to build up when you select this position  especially considered that the forwards on support won't drop as an AM would do.

I get he won't score as much as a forward but think about it for a second. Are you building wide and crossing? How do you expect him to score if he's not great with his head?

That position is constantly being man marked or needs to be everywhere on the pitch.

For me he's the one man i need to be able to build up in the middle and retain possession but you could need him to cut. Remember that you could place him in an assymetric style or even use him as a second striker

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Maybe it's a sign that you don't need an AMC. Are you already winning most matches or do you see other gaps in your team?

From my perspective, it's a very crowded penalty area with three attackers and four players behind in terms of wing backs, volante, and the BBM. There's more than enough for the 5 attacking lanes. I'm not sure if you actually need another AM there. 


Edited by CapitalismReimagined
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Which League? Maybe he gets dealt with effectively by the AI? I play at Serie A with an AMC as an attacking midfielder -support and he's been my best player in all honesty.

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There are 2 ways in FM 24 in which a AMC can work in one of the traditional formations:

- as SS in combination with a striker that opens spaces for him

- as a playmaker with attackers that move around into and create spaces

Both scenarios, like in most working tactics, need movement and spaces but there is none in your tactics. In one tactics you play with one AF plus 2 IF-At. These roles have very little movement and occupy the same space the attack minded AMC wants to run into. In the other tactics you're playing him as SS behind 2 AF. Again very limited movement and creation of spaces.

It's your tactics and not the "poor" match engine that makes the AMC perform so bad.

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On 02/01/2024 at 19:24, Lambie\'s Lovechild said:

Running out of ideas here. How do you get an AM C to run the show in a match, the way a De Bruyne, Fernandes or Bellingham does in real life?

If you want a player like them it is best to move them wider into the amcl and amcr positions as they so they can drift into the halfspaces more often. More times the AMC will pickup at one person so that's why it is best to use them on attack most of the time. Other place I would use them is as WP very strong in the half space

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vor einer Stunde schrieb De Nile:

If you want a player like them it is best to move them wider into the amcl and amcr positions as they so they can drift into the halfspaces more often. More times the AMC will pickup at one person so that's why it is best to use them on attack most of the time. Other place I would use them is as WP very strong in the half space

Yes, that's how i played with my asymmetrical 4-2-3-1 until FM 22.


IF-At                AM-At   W-Su

Striker and CAM both offset.

The DLF dropped very deep during transition and pulled the central defenders out of position, which created space for the IF and AM to run into and receive a pass from midfield or cross from the winger. It was pretty effective but i havend't tried it since.

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12 minutes ago, Maddux said:

Yes, that's how i played with my asymmetrical 4-2-3-1 until FM 22.


IF-At                AM-At   W-Su

Striker and CAM both offset.

The DLF dropped very deep during transition and pulled the central defenders out of position, which created space for the IF and AM to run into and receive a pass from midfield or cross from the winger. It was pretty effective but i havend't tried it since.

In that scenario, would your AMC be more effective as a Shadow Striker?

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He could be in FM 24 but he wasn't in FM 22. The AM_At is starting a bit deeper than the SS and will be marked by a defender later, which gives him a bit more time and space. But idk how it's with the FM 24 match engine and you have to try it out yourself. Maybe a Trequartista turns out to be the best role in FM 24. Save before a match and run it 3 times with a different role each time to see how the movement and marking is with each role.

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CM-A is your answer

In all seriousness I've had plenty of decent if not outstanding performances with AFa-AMa when flanked by two support roles, such as IFs if  using WBs or Ws or both. I tend to add SS-esque PIs to the AM-a as @dzek mentioned. Asymmetric SS is also very good if a little exploiting - runs into channels and runs wide/stay wider creates a lot of movement which the CBs usually struggle to deal with. 

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