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When can you get a bigger job? When is it worthwhile to start applying for jobs?

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I just started my first sort of non-league to legend save. My first save that isn't a one club save.

So basically I want to jump ship to a bigger club as much as possible and as early as possible.

So I wonder - when it is sensible to start applying for other jobs (jobs that are bigger than the one I have)?

I imagine that it matters how long I have been a my current club? Perhaps I should only start applying for bigger available jobs once I have been at my current club for at least a year? Longer?

I imagine that there could be a downside to just spam applications out at all times. At least in theory, it could damage my reputation and/or make it more likely for me to get sacked at my current club. But I am just speculating, have no experience regarding this.

Any input appreciated.

Edited by danej
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Put in too many applications for other jobs and your current club will fire you for disloyalty.  I find that a couple of years at a club is the minimum if you want to move up substantially, you can even get approached without an application, by a notably bigger club if you do well enough.  You also don't want to apply to more than one job at a time, the clubs you apply for don't like that, you have to pick the one you most want/think you have the highest chance of getting (no use applying to Everton and AC Milan at the same time, either your rep is high enough AC Milan is viable in which case Everton isn't likely to be a major step up, or it isn't and you just make yourself look desperate.  This his my experience anyway.  I definitely wouldn't say these are rules though, I am sure other people have other ways of doing it, but this works for me.

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You can check your manager reputation percentage on your profile. Compare it to that of the manager who is favourite for the job or of the sacked manager. If your rep is lower you're unlikely to get the position. When applying for overseas jobs you need a higher rep than the candidate from that country. These are the guidelines I folow when playing the pentagon challenge. As Bitner says the buyout can stop you getting an interview also, but if you want to gamble you can resign your current job.

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Usually I just focus on getting the team I am at promoted, or at least over achieving. This tends to draw interest from teams in a higher league who come along and poach me.

The other thing to do is to keep an eye out for mid-season openings in teams in the bottom half of the league above you and make the odd application, but as others have said and as you have intuited, don't spam the job applications!

In short, keep doing well in your current job, pick your next job well and your meteoric rise will take care of itself.

These are fun saves to do, and allow you to be a bit more brutal about dumping under achieving players and bringing in improvements. You have to manage with ambition, pragmatism and ruthlessness.

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I'm doing quite ok in my journeyman career, and you can just don't get attached, just go and try something new, but in general, have a nice goal in your mind.



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