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[FM24] Non-Foreign Agreements Pack (29 in all)

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Back again for FM24 (with some new additions and general cleanup of redundant files) is my pack of 29 different files relating to various non-foreign agreements for various international organizations/free trade agreements, making players of member countries non-foreign in each members' leagues - implementing either existing or proposed freedom of movement which exists/did or could exist in real life (but not always 100% reflected in league rules). Like the EEA but for other places.

A complete list of every file and what they cover (spoilered for length):

  1. Arab League: Covers members (and a few potential ones) of the Arab League. You don't need the GCC file if you use this one.
  2. Arab Maghreb Union: North Africa. Like the above (and the GCC file), it's covered if you use the Arab League file so no need to duplicate.
  3. ASEAN: Southeast Asia, plus a few potential members.
  4. CANZUK: Makes Canadian/Australian/New Zealander/British players non-foreign in each others' leagues, implementing the proposed agreement. Duplicated in my Expanded Overseas Territories + CANZ file.
  5. Caribbean & Latin American States: Covers the entire Caribbean, plus all of Latin America. If you use it, don't use my Central American, Caribbean, or South American, files - as they just duplicate it all.
  6. Caribbean Community: Covers the Caribbean, including associate members. Again, if you use one of my other Caribbean files, don't use this file with it as it duplicates functionality.
  7. Central American Integration System: As it says on the tin. Don't use with the Caribbean & Latin American States file as it duplicates the agreement.
  8. Central European Free Trade Agreement: Covers much of Eastern Europe, including the former Yugoslavia.
  9. Chinese region non-foreign players: Makes players from Greater China (China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) non-foreign in the others' leagues, as they have been at various times for portions of the group.
  10. Dutch Overseas Territories: Covers all the Dutch islands in the game, plus Suriname, and the Netherlands itself. Sadly not all islands are in the game...
  11. East African Community: Covers the East African Community plus a few potential/planned members.
  12. Economic Community of Central Africa: This one covers... Central Africa.
  13. ECOWAS: West Africa!
  14. EU Overseas Territories as EEA members: Does exactly as it says on the tin. Overseas territories of France/the Netherlands are all part of the EEA.
  15. Expanded Eurasian Union: Expands the Eurasian Union according to proposals made previously, to include more former Soviet states.
  16. Expanded Overseas Territories: Expands the overseas territories to include various islands that the UK could have kept as overseas territories, and makes them non-foreign both across the UK leagues and each other. Use this one or the one below, as they modify the same agreement.
  17. Expanded Overseas Territories + CANZ: The file above, but with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand included. Use one or the other
  18. French Overseas Territories: Makes France's various overseas territories non-foreign to each other and France. Also covered in the file below.
  19. French Union: Like the above file, but adds France's other former colonies into the mix, replicating the real-life French Union which existed partially. Technically a separate agreement so you could use both, but the file above is covered in this one anyway.
  20. GCC: Covers the Gulf Cooperation Council (you also might know this as the Arab peninsula). Don't need to use it if you're using the Arab League file.
  21. HK, Macau, Taiwan, name fix: Not an agreement, but a fix to make Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwan's manes in game line up with international standard.
  22. Japan: Expands Japan's non-foreign country list to include players from the rest of ASEAN as well as the GCC.
  23. Mercosur: South America. You don't need this if you use my Latin American & Caribbean file.
  24. Pacific Islands Forum: Covers islands across the Pacific who are members of the Forum in real life, as proposed a few times.
  25. SAARC: Covers the Indian subcontinent.
  26. Southern African Development Community: Convers the countries of Southern Africa, including future/potential members.
  27. Spanish and Portuguese Overseas Territories: Similar to the expanded Overseas Territories files, adds a whole bunch of territories for Spain and Portugal (islands mainly) that they once possessed, as non-foreign (and also makes Spanish/Portuguese players non-foreign in those respective areas).
  28. UK rejoins EU: The UK rejoins the EU and the EEA.
  29. US COFA and territories: Covers the US, their territories (Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa), as well as those nations under compacts of free association with the US.

If you have any issues, suggestions, comments, or thoughts, feel free to chime in below!

Non-foreign Agreements.zip

Edited by FootballHedgehog
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  • FootballHedgehog changed the title to [FM24] Non-Foreign Agreements Pack (29 in all)
22 minutes ago, Jorgen said:

This is great news. I am thinking about buying FM24 and this file would be a very welcome addition.

It's actually a set of 29 individual files so you can mix and match as you want. I know some files will definitely be more well used than others, so I decided to give people as many options as possible to make it as realistic or unrealistic as they like.

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On 07/01/2024 at 06:13, FootballHedgehog said:

It's actually a set of 29 individual files so you can mix and match as you want. I know some files will definitely be more well used than others, so I decided to give people as many options as possible to make it as realistic or unrealistic as they like.

Yes, I know. I typed to fast and meant 'these files'. Thanks for making this

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On 12/01/2024 at 12:02, DamianJB said:

If i will add all the filse and make them enabled there wont be any crashes or its better to choose only few on a same time ? :)

Some of these duplicate functionality, as I go over in the bit that's under the spoiler, but I haven't ever seen a crash as a result of these files.

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