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FM24 | A Sporting Heritage | The Guajes of Gijón


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I didn't think you were ready to start a new career so quickly, you certainly chose an interesting club with a stadium that is a little gem, what kind of timeline did you give yourself to get the desired youth production from the club's youth sector?

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Thanks @ifinnem @SixPointer @higgins @Matty Aqua  - I'm hoping the save 'lands'

12 hours ago, SixPointer said:

Loving it shrew. Suits your plans down to the ground. Are the Mexican clubs affiliated in the game? Or did you have to tinker with the database to make it happen?

The clubs are affiliated which is really nice. In addition to Atlas and Santos (the two co-owned clubs), there is also a link to América where the Mexican club are actually the senior affiliate. This allows them to send players on loan to Sporting - something which has already happened with Esteban Lozano.

Something which is not implemented in the FM affiliate system, but which I'd like to replicate, is that five players have moved from the affiliated clubs to Sporting on a free over the summer. Joshua Mancha and Sebastián Valenzuela from Santos Laguna, Mauricio Medrano from Atlas and Franco Rossano and Ángel Contreras from América all arrived on out-of-contract deals. They're all youngsters and none of them are particularly exciting but this is definitely an area that I'll look to replicate in my save.

5 hours ago, higgins said:

I didn't think you were ready to start a new career so quickly, you certainly chose an interesting club with a stadium that is a little gem, what kind of timeline did you give yourself to get the desired youth production from the club's youth sector?

It's a good question given my typical attrition with saves is 7-8 seasons. I'm hoping this one will last a bit longer. I'm going to do a wee post with some more detail on the playing pathway that I anticipate but I'm expecting that players will get into the first team at 19 or 20 unless they're really special. That means a handful of the real prospects might make it this season or next, and the newgens will be 2-3 seasons off at least.

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Looking forward to this. Already read your previous story, which was very interesting and well-written. As this will be about Spanish football, it will be even closer to my personal interests. You'll have an active follower here! 

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Just now, Shrewnaldo said:

Thanks @Litmanen 10 - are you Spanish or just interested in Spanish football? Funnily enough, given your username, I've just been debating with myself whether or not to use a ten or a more withdrawn playmaker.

Just interested in Spanish football in general. I almost always also manage in Spain when playing football manager. 

Number 10 is also my favorite position in football and whenever possible, I try to build the team around him tactically. 

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Fantastic idea, I'll definitely be following along to this one.

Have you noted any squad rules/restrictions for the B Team? From my experience (admittedly not in Spain) they tend to have rules in place to ensure the biggest clubs don't use them to chuck all their first team/foreign wonderkids in, creating an unfair advantage.

For example, on my Bundesliga save year, I wasn't able to move any non-EU players into the squad once they got promoted to a playable league - making it much more difficult to bring through South Americans and Africans as 'home grown'.

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1 hour ago, BML said:

Fantastic idea, I'll definitely be following along to this one.

Have you noted any squad rules/restrictions for the B Team? From my experience (admittedly not in Spain) they tend to have rules in place to ensure the biggest clubs don't use them to chuck all their first team/foreign wonderkids in, creating an unfair advantage.

For example, on my Bundesliga save year, I wasn't able to move any non-EU players into the squad once they got promoted to a playable league - making it much more difficult to bring through South Americans and Africans as 'home grown'.


There's a couple of rules which are aimed at the B teams specifically, i.e. in the Primera "the squad must have no more than 4 players in the playing 11 who have been registered for a different team". I *think* that my general strategy is going to be ok with these rules. I don't intend to shift players between teams at all - or at least not temporary shifts for certain fixtures. I may demote a player that just isn't good enough any more, or accelerate the promotion of a particularly talented player. My main concern is that the B team don't get promoted into the Primera at all. That'd be a bit of a disaster.

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23 hours ago, rich ruzzian said:

Let's hope they promote rather soon ingame. The B-team. 

Really interesting club with that connection to Mexico. I will be following this with real interest. 


In my Feralpi save, the Sporting B team was promoted into the 4th tier in the first season - so I'm really hoping this happens again. Otherwise, I might be kind of screwed. 

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18 hours ago, Shrewnaldo said:


In my Feralpi save, the Sporting B team was promoted into the 4th tier in the first season - so I'm really hoping this happens again. Otherwise, I might be kind of screwed. 

You could try a quick test. Edit all B team players in a separate save to be world-class and holiday a year? 

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13 hours ago, Kloppy said:

You could try a quick test. Edit all B team players in a separate save to be world-class and holiday a year? 

Maybe, but not sure it would give me any more certainty than just waiting until the end of the season and hoping for the best? I suspect that there's an element of randomness to it but it's also weighted to the highest reputation sides in the fifth tier?

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8 hours ago, chuckg said:

Great idea!!! , Can you show the league settings for this save?

Do you mean which leagues I have loaded? If so, please see below. If not, please let me know what you mean and I can share that instead!


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Hoping this one sticks Shrew, I feel like this could have significant potential. Plus the relationship with Mexico will enable you to unearth some players which you no doubt won't have stumbled across before. All the best 👍

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Wonderful insight Shrew, and great planning. I think the Mexican link provides something special, linked in with your youth driven thinking it’s going to produce some wonderful FM content for us to read into. 

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On 12/01/2024 at 20:33, Shrewnaldo said:

The recruitment priorities will be clear:

  1. Promote from within
  2. Bring back former Guajes
  3. Other Asturian players
  4. Youth players from Asturian clubs
  5. Players from Liga MX
  6. Players from other Spanish communes
  7. Non-Spanish signings

Really like this Shrew! Certainly one of those things that I've always thought of writing about but have never committed, properly, to words.

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4 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

Really like this Shrew! Certainly one of those things that I've always thought of writing about but have never committed, properly, to words.

Like you say, I think most of us will have some sort of soft priorities in our head for most saves - certainly with your style of game and other folk who tend to prioritise youth development, or just want to see lots of domestic players in their team.

It's the thing I get most out of from this sort of thread - just organising my thoughts and putting some kind of structure to it, rather than just a general sort of inherent bias.

4 hours ago, Deisler26 said:

Oh baby, love me some youth development saves. I shall be watching with interest!

Thanks! Hope to keep you all entertained.

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3 minutes ago, higgins said:

Nice planning Shrew, by the way, I had a look at your tactic, did you consider to employ a libero in your formation?

I have it pencilled in as one of my potential future amendments. I also tried it out in a cup game using one of my back-up centre-backs, Robér Pier, who is more suited to it. I did like the way it could switch to a 2-3 build-up but the two DMs didn't split wide enough when the libero advanced, which was a little frustrating. What I've been finding, though, is that I need to commit one of the two DMs forward a little more once we're established in possession - so I'm thinking that the libero could step up so I get a transition through 3-2 into 2-3 then 2-2 as play progresses up the park.

I might look to employ it more next season and use Insua, the left centre-back, as the libero to push up and cover the space by an RPM or segundo in the left DM slot.

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The first intake

A Sporting Heritage - The Guajes of Gijón

The first youth intake of the save has arrived and, given the importance of youth to my chosen style, I've decided to give it some focus. I wasn't all that enamoured back in December when we received the preview. 


The 'golden generation' moniker arrives with such frequency that I never pay it much attention, and the role specifics were mediocre. However, this looks a lot more promising (as I write this, I haven't looked at the players yet).


And now, taking a look through the players one-by-one, I'm returning to the general disappointment. Some of them seem fine but I can't say that I'm overly excited about a single one of them. Focusing on those that the game has described as 'top talents' then:

Goalkeeper - Roberto Vacas


Our options in goal are limited and a talented newgen 'keeper is the holy grail. Vacas is not likely to be it. Really good Determination and Handling, whilst his Reflexes and Positioning should tick over into double digits relatively soon. I also like that he has low Eccentricity and decent starting Agility, Balance and Concentration. But One-on-Ones and Command of Area have a long way to go before he could be considered viable. Only 15 and born in Gijón, he's get the chance to develop.

Centre Back Jaime Luis


Ok, he's only 15 but boy do those physicals need to develop. 18 attribute points away from double digits in Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Strength for a centre half feels like a long way to go. And only 6 for Heading. Good starting Positioning, Tackling, Aggression, Bravery and Decisions. Plus primarily left-footed... I'm sceptical though. Born in Villaviciosa (Asturias).

Centre Back Welton


Born in Brazil, eligible for the USA and awaiting his Spanish passport, multi-national Welton looks more of a likely option to me than Luis. Slightly better physicals but weaker mentals, I could be wrong if Luis' mentals help him develop faster. Welton, though, has an Ambitious personality which is likely to help his development. He'll also go into the funnel.

6 Domingo Escribano


Born in Gijón and described as a 'committed' player by the coaching staff, I think Escribano is probably my favourite of the intake. Relatively two-footed and with physicals that aren't far off double-digits for speed and strength, plus excellent Natural Fitness which will reduce his fatigue levels very quickly, he looks like he could become a very handy ball winner at 6. Brave and aggressive with good Teamwork and Work Rate, tidy no the ball and a good decision-maker... ok, I like Escribano quite a lot. I should be able to get his Determination up with some mentoring and maybe teach him some traits like Stay Back At All Times and never dribble... He's the best of the intake for me so far.

10 - Luis Ochoa


Sadly no hint of a Mexican heritage despite the name, Ochoa is another Asturian with terrible physicals. Seriously, don't they have PE at Asturian schools?! Again, pretty two-footed and with some really solid attributes in good areas like First Touch, Passing, Decisions and Balance. There's a player in there and his Fairly Professional personality will help him develop to meet his potential. But there's clearly some gaps - he can't dribble, he lacks composure and concentration, he can't shoot and he doesn't work for the team... plus those physicals. I see a squad player at best.

Left-winger Alejandro Soriano


I don't play wingers, so that's not a great start., Plus he's unambitious. And then we have a winger with 8 pace... I clearly can't turn him into a wingback with 1 for marking, 4 for tackling and 3 for positioning. So what can I turn him into? Honestly, I can't see much of a future for Soriano but I'll retrain him as a 10 to give him a chance to prove me wrong.

Striker Francesc Polo


You may be sensing a theme here but... those physicals. Am I wrong here? Do physicals progress more than they used to? For 15 year-olds, are these physicals actually ok? Because the rest of Polo is pretty damn good. Impressive Determination, Decisions, Flair and Teamwork with solid Off the Ball and, at 15, already pretty handy at most technical attributes for a 9 - Finishing, First Touch, Technique, Passing and Dribbling. It's just those physicals.... so if he develops there then he's another two-footed technically adept option for us - even if he is from the capital down the road.


There are also 7 'good' talents and two 'decent' - none of which I think merit mentioning. So that gives me seven 'top talents' from the so-called Golden Generation. I think Escribano and Polo are the two most likely candidates for future first-team football but I'm certainly open to other ideas.

It's been a long-time since I've focused on youth development and even longer since I've done so in a country that allowed the production of 15 year-olds. So I'd welcome feedback on those physicals specifically. Should I expect to see some sky-rocketing physical attributes across the board? I wouldn't have expected speed attributes to increase all that much, but Strength typically increases over time. What's the general consensus these days? Would a 3-4 attribute point increase for Acceleration / Pace or Agility / Balance be reasonable between 15 and 20? Thoughts welcome.

¡Siempre Sporting!

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13 minutes ago, higgins said:

Numerical attributes? I thought you were playing without numbers, what happened? 

That was in the Feralpi / Hellas Italian save. I wanted to go back to using Rensie's skin and I'm a bit graphical-attributes'd-out for now

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1 hour ago, Shrewnaldo said:

I don't play wingers, so that's not a great start., Plus he's unambitious. And then we have a winger with 8 pace... I clearly can't turn him into a wingback with 1 for marking, 4 for tackling and 3 for positioning. So what can I turn him into? Honestly, I can't see much of a future for Soriano but I'll retrain him as a 10 to give him a chance to prove me wrong.


He's got deep lying forward written all over him, for me! Not that you necessarily start with them but could be a good option to change the 2-1 into a 1-2 at some point in a game? Seeing attention to detail, such as this, does make me miss numerical attributes at times!

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36 minutes ago, Shrewnaldo said:

That was in the Feralpi / Hellas Italian save. I wanted to go back to using Rensie's skin and I'm a bit graphical-attributes'd-out for now

Ah well, I recently thought about going numberless but I am not ready and probably never will be :herman:

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24 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

He's got deep lying forward written all over him, for me! Not that you necessarily start with them but could be a good option to change the 2-1 into a 1-2 at some point in a game? Seeing attention to detail, such as this, does make me miss numerical attributes at times!

I do like this idea. The 2-1 has a lot of advantages in build-up. I find that lone 10s go missing in games, whereas having two in there forces them into positions which are conducive to line-breaking passes through "the midfield box". But the 2-1 means I struggle to get a runner in behind, in the same way that I get with a two-striker system that has one drop and one go. Certainly something to think about next term.

11 minutes ago, higgins said:

Ah well, I recently thought about going numberless but I am not ready and probably never will be :herman:

It's a lot of fun but it can be exhausting at times, particularly when you run into ways in which the interface just makes it very hard to know what's going on - because the game just isn't built to accommodate it.

Edited by Shrewnaldo
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Totally doable to get 3-4 point rise and more if the PA is there. Agree with you on the 2 prospects you called out as most likely to make it. Escribano could also make a good FB or IWB if you have need to move him to another spot

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I kinda see it as, 15-18 is when you start seeing people actually going into the gym more to build muscle mass, so I think you can see that grow. I often take a combination of Natural Fitness, Work Rate and Determination, combined with the personality as a good indication of whether they'll go well or not at developing those. Those aren't based on any specific reasoning other than I think they are relevant to fitness growth.

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Haven't really checked how newgens look like in the last few versions of FM I terms of attributes. But in my opinion for years FM had the problem that especially the high potential newgens had way too high physical attributes straight from the start. You could even get a 15-year-old newgens who were straight away better physically than for example Messi in his prime. 

If we take a look at for example Spanish players in general in the past, there is a clear trend that they tend to be more on the intelligent and technical side than being physically strong. 

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Real lack of physicals. Can it be attribute to the HOYD? What’s his profile like? Is he just focusing on the technical side of the game and letting these youngsters miss out on some old fashioned hard running. 

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I've always found physicals can go up to +8 on certain individuals so I wouldn't be too concerned. But might have to wait until they are 18-19 before featuring in first squad team sheet.

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13 hours ago, ifinnem said:

Totally doable to get 3-4 point rise and more if the PA is there. Agree with you on the 2 prospects you called out as most likely to make it. Escribano could also make a good FB or IWB if you have need to move him to another spot

13 hours ago, Lestri said:

I kinda see it as, 15-18 is when you start seeing people actually going into the gym more to build muscle mass, so I think you can see that grow. I often take a combination of Natural Fitness, Work Rate and Determination, combined with the personality as a good indication of whether they'll go well or not at developing those. Those aren't based on any specific reasoning other than I think they are relevant to fitness growth.

9 hours ago, Litmanen 10 said:

Haven't really checked how newgens look like in the last few versions of FM I terms of attributes. But in my opinion for years FM had the problem that especially the high potential newgens had way too high physical attributes straight from the start. You could even get a 15-year-old newgens who were straight away better physically than for example Messi in his prime. 

If we take a look at for example Spanish players in general in the past, there is a clear trend that they tend to be more on the intelligent and technical side than being physically strong. 

7 hours ago, -Jef- said:

I've always found physicals can go up to +8 on certain individuals so I wouldn't be too concerned. But might have to wait until they are 18-19 before featuring in first squad team sheet.

Thanks all, really appreciate the feedback. I think it's safe to say that I shouldn't give up on these newgens thanks to their physicals just yet.

7 hours ago, SixPointer said:

Real lack of physicals. Can it be attribute to the HOYD? What’s his profile like? Is he just focusing on the technical side of the game and letting these youngsters miss out on some old fashioned hard running. 

This is he:


I don't know that any of this lends itself towards specific attribute strengths or deficiencies? Perhaps the coaching style being 'tactical'? But I think that's just a reflection on his coaching attributes... I'm leaning towards this just being the way that 15 year-olds come through. Some good comments above about the natural physical development between 15 and 18, so perhaps this is just more realistic?

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Interesting club to start with :cool: Didn't they have a player that was highly rated on FM22/23? Completely forgot his name :D Good luck with this! Will be keeping close eye on this!

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2 hours ago, john1 said:

Interesting club to start with :cool: Didn't they have a player that was highly rated on FM22/23? Completely forgot his name :D Good luck with this! Will be keeping close eye on this!

Maybe José Gragera? He's a holding midfielder that's pretty decent but was sold to Espanyol. He's definitely one I've got my eye on and would love to get him back to El Molinón.

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16 minutes ago, Shrewnaldo said:

Maybe José Gragera? He's a holding midfielder that's pretty decent but was sold to Espanyol. He's definitely one I've got my eye on and would love to get him back to El Molinón.

Or Queipo?

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1 hour ago, higgins said:

Or Queipo?

Quiepo looks like he could be decent, but he's really been quite poor this season. I sent him out on loan to Cultural Leonesa and he's been average in the Primera. Leonesa might be a poor team but I'd have expected him to be way better at that level.

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4 games left and the race for the playoffs is on. Valladolid are 13 points clear at the top and will win the league. Zaragoza are probably favourites to take the second automatic spot but their remaining home games are tough. Espanyol have the hardest run-in but we're not far behind with the Asturian derby making that Oviedo game even tougher - and Cartagena might still be fighting for survival.


I would not be upset if we didn't go up. I think we really need another season in the second tier to develop some of the youth. I've been doing some experimenting tactically - trying out two striker systems - and giving a lot of minutes to peripheral guajes so I can see who are candidates for next season. Unusually, our away form has been keeping us in the playoff spots and we've really struggled to score at home

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After signing most of the intake, two additional players have been classified as "top talents". They are:


Centre back Paz has a 'fickle' personality which isn't a great start and suffers from the same shocking physicals as the rest of the newgens. His Teamwork and Work Rate also suck, so I don't have much faith in him.


Romanian Chiripus looks like a decent 6. 6'2", aggressive with some decent mentals and his physicals aren't absolutely awful. I'm really not sure about the Stops Play trait, but I think the Romanian has something about him. I prefer Escribano, who is listed as the intake's star graduate, but he should get me a little bit of money even if he doesn't push on into the first team.

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Here I am 😂.

What a wonderful start this has gotten off to. Really enjoy the concept, couple geographical areas of the game that I’ve never paid much attention too so I get to enjoy this all as new. 

Also, just wanted to make a special mention to the moustache on that CB in the intake, absolutely outstanding. 

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Just to add to the previous message about physical attributes. This is Harry Kane at the beginning in FM 2010. A player that turned up to be a really complete player physically but far from it when he was almost 16 years old. 

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1 hour ago, Litmanen 10 said:


Just to add to the previous message about physical attributes. This is Harry Kane at the beginning in FM 2010. A player that turned up to be a really complete player physically but far from it when he was almost 16 years old. 

Yikes at that Determination. The shirt has massive van de Vaart flashbacks for me

Thanks, though. I don't recall if Kane developed as well in FM10 as he did in real life?

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