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Increasing clarity on the Finances screen


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Several line items on the Finances section could do with being split up or clarified:

1) On the Expenses tab, "Ground Maintenance" seems to include the following:

  1. Upgrades to Training Facilities
  2. (Possibly - this is not clear) upgrades to Youth Facilities
  3. Ongoing costs of maintaining the stadium at which your team plays
  4. Ongoing costs of maintaining the training ground at which your team trains.

I am an native English speaker. "Ground Maintenance", as far as I am concerned, should only include Item 3 above. Items 1 and 2 are capex, not maintenance, and should definitely not be included in a budget called maintenance. Item 4 is also not necessarily your team's "ground". For me, "Ground Maintenance" would be things like:

-paying for security for your stadium when it is not in use

-paying for people to clean the stadium toilets when it is not in use

-lighting/heating/mending broken parts of the stadium in the course of regular wear and tear

-paying for groundsmen to keep the stadium pitch nice (which is I think the single most natural reading of the phrase).


I therefore suggest that there be a separate subsection on the Expenses item list called Capital Investment, under which are added the following line items:

1) Training Facilities upgrades

2) Youth Facilities upgrades

3) Stadium upgrades - adding more capacity to the stadium, and/or building a new stadium (building a new stadium could be a separate line item)


"Ground Maintenance" should be renamed "Facilities Maintenance", and only cover Items 3 and 4 above.


2) Stadium Rent - this should be a line item in Expenses. If I am renting my stadium from the council or another club, I am presumably paying them a certain amount per year. How much is it? This figure is surely part of the puzzle when evaluating whether to build a new ground or not.

3) The other issue I have noticed, which may possibly be a bug, is that "Loan Income" in the Income tab does not seem to display the one-off income a club gets when it takes out a bank loan. It seems to me that it should. This income may possibly be going into "Other" instead.

Edited by BeeInExile
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