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Managers to build their exclusive coaching staff


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In real life, most managers have some personnel affiliated mostly with them rather than the club. These people follow the manager to other clubs and would be  (I’ll call the managers’ personal coaching staff ‘teams’ here, to keep it shorter)


My suggestion is to add an option to recruit people to your coaching staff using the money the manager gets from his club’s wage.


Example interactions:


* Manager leaving, staff not on his team wanting to join team to leave together (depending on disparity of club’s reputation, disparity of club’s quality, staff’s favorite clubs, manager’s relationship with staff, etc…)

* Manager leaving, staff on his team wanting to stay and thus leaving his team (depending on disparity of club’s reputation, quality, staff’s favorite clubs, manager’s relationship with staff, etc…)

* Staff with offers from better clubs/managers wanting to leave team

* Club staff wanting to join manager’s team after developing a closer relationship, or after a manager’s achievement (like winning silverware) or increase of their or club’s reputation


The benefits:


* Adds use to the manager’s money/salary, which is currently just a decoration and users are being encouraged to set it to minimum when negotiating contracts (to save club finances)


* Adds more uses to managers’ reputation (to attract better staff)


* More realism


* More immersion, interaction with the staff and many more new mechanics for users


* Allows users not to lose staff they worked hard to recruit when switching clubs


* Adds use to manager’s relationship with staff, which currently doesn’t have much functions, and could also open room to even more interactions with staff not necessarily related with this feature suggestion.

Edited by SrGaabriel
Improve formatting & title, add more benefits and fix typos
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