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The International Game

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At the end of the day, FM is a game, but its also a simulation of football, trying to be as realistic as it can be, within reason.
Many thoughts and ideas about time at tournaments, training, prep for matches and so on.
But the reality is, international managers get very little time with squads. Can only focus on basics i.e. basic fitness assessment / recovery. General team building over months / years. Basic tactical shape, stick to it, progress players into that shape, slow evolution of both.

Truth is, in FM, I think on those issues, very little they can do. For example, training - as an international manager you just don't have time between games to make a significant impact. Even training camps aren't enough. Its months / years of culture / tactical build. As for fitness, as I said above, really no impact. You can't develop players technically or physically, its down to the clubs.

My post is on these issues, not the interface issues - agree they could be improved.

The subtleties of international management IRL - a great question, but in current FM framework, something difficult to achieve, for now.

Edited by Lord Rowell
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