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[FM23] Notts landing


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Colchester Preview

the War continues






This war of words has gone on all season since your first match.  This is your 3rd match against his club this season with Notts having won the first 2.  What else is there to prove?

I don't know that it's about proving anything.  We've already beat them twice so even if they got lucky and got us this time we're still up on them if my math is correct.  So really this is more personal, which isn't something that I wanted to get involved in but if my methods and managerial qualities and my team's qualities are going to keep being called into question, then we're going to respond.  He can keep throwing up the bulletin board material and we're going to thrive on it.  At some point you'd think his club would tell him to shut his mouth but I guess they like losing.

And if you lose?

Then we lose and he gets one over on us and I expect that will make him talk even more because he seems to like the sound of his own voice.

Do you think this will end with this being your final match this season?

It's already over in my mind, I just like beating him and making him eat his words.

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Match 26


Postgame Presser

That's 3 straight over Colchester.  Has the war of words ended between you and Ben Garner?

He didn't have much to say after this latest loss did he?

So is it safe to say that you ended the war?

(laughs) I think it's probably been taken a bit far.  I'm having fun with it and I think some people may think it's something I'm taking seriously.  The only thing I ever took seriously was the accusations that my team was overrated or didn't deserve the accolades being thrown at them from some in the press.  If you want to come at me and say I don't know what I'm doing, okay, I'm a new manager and maybe sometimes I don't.  However, if you want to say my boys are lucky or are winning because some teams don't take us seriously or that we're not working hard or anything else negative... then I will have words.

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Match 27

27.thumb.png.56794800760f09d564436a6a279f6f3f.pngPostgame Presser

Several of your players seem to be lacking in fitness at the moment and probably need to be rested yet your lack of depth is preventing players from getting the time off they may need.  This has really shown with some of your results on the pitch.  Are you concerned?

I'm always concerned about my players well-being.  We could definitely do with giving some guys a few days off.  Our schedule the past 2 months has been relentless and since we have been winning in these competitions, we've had extra games to play.  We've played 18 matches in 2 months and as you've said our depth is lacking or at least isn't where I'd like it to be currently which means we've had to give more time to the boys than I'd normally like.  For the most part they've come through with honors but at times it's easy to tell with our lack of focus or inability to defend that we are a bit tired.  Hopefully we can remedy this sooner, rather than later.

Is this something the board isn't concerned with if they're not giving the money needed to sign a couple more players?

I'm not going to say they're not concerned but they have other concerns beyond player wages also.  The money is their problem, not mine.  I have to do my job with what's given to me.

Edited by Blarney
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December Review


decsched.png.ce12cc95493b96add0903e22a098fddd.pngWins in the FA Cup and Pizza Trophy to start the month but 4 wins, 3 losses in league play is concerning.  My team is really tired and the board isn't giving me anything to work with.  I think I may have made a mistake with a couple of the big contracts I gave out and redoing a couple of other contracts to keep players happy rather than signing more players and having more depth.  It's a very thin line.  Maybe I'm wrong, maybe quality over quantity will hold out.



Wrexham is running away with it now but we're holding on to a promotion spot for the time being.

Attacking Stats


Norkett is performing nicely in a sub role to Langstaff, unfortunately this has lead to other teams sniffing around and I've had reports that at least two other clubs are considering offers.  If I lose him and Langstaff I don't have a true striker left on the club.  Scot can play there but it's not really his best position.  This transfer period might be interesting.

Defending Stats


Player Stats:  League


Team Stats:  League


Data Analysis




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Goodbye Langstaff



How big of a blow is this to the club?

Normally I'd give you the whole next man up speech or say it gives someone else a chance and certainly we do have some talent at the club in Scotty and Nork that have been playing well at the striker position so I don't want to take away from what they can do, but even they would say that losing Caulay is a big blow to our club.  Not only has he been the best player in whatever league he's been in for the past 2 1/2 years but he was a huge influence on the club as well.  Players gravitated towards him and listened to him.  He made us better and losing him is going to take some time to get over.

He's going to Cardiff who is in League One, which you have a chance to join next season.  Was there any conversation about trying to keep him and help the club earn promotion?

Of course there was, that's why we offered him his contract in the first place.  And yes Cardiff is only one tier up from us and we have a chance to get there next season but they're also currently in first place and probably headed for the Championship.  I will never blame a player for wanting what's best for them and for wanting to play at a higher level, that's why it's important that we keep growing as a club.

Has there been any other word on whether Scott or Palmer or some other names on your club might be leaving as well?

Rumors, yes.  Scott has said he hasn't had any big offers yet.  Palmer has said there have been a few sniffing around but nothing solid yet.

Are you hoping to keep them?

We have to do what's best for the club.  If the right offer comes in then we have to consider everything on the table.

Are you planning on bringing in reinforcements now that you have some money to spend from the Langstaff deal?

Yes, hopefully we can get something done.

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Pizza Trophy Northern Section Third Round


Postgame Presser

How disappointing are you with this loss?

I'm never really happy with losing but between you and me maybe this isn't the worst thing with how the club has been playing lately.  We need to get our heads right and get back on track with league play because that's really what matters right now.  The supporters may not like an admission like that but hopefully they understand that currently we probably weren't going very much further in this competition with the fitness of the club and one more win wasn't going to matter much.

It appeared that the team played with very little passion today, did the loss of Langstaff have anything to do with that?

It's entirely possible that it may take a couple of games to get our heads on straight.  I hope that isn't the case but you can't lose someone that's been your friend, ally, teammate and confidante for the past 2 years and not feel something.  Either that or you're not human.

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FA Cup Third Round


Postgame Presser

So should we assume that much like your Papa Johns tournament loss that you're not overly concerned losing here?

To put it like that makes it sound like I'm okay with losing and that's not entirely correct.  I don't like to lose so we never go out with the mindset that we want to.  But to answer the question, much like with the pizza tourney we've reached a point where we probably weren't going to progress much further so the loss isn't catastrophic nor necessarily heartbreaking.  And yes, we really need a rest after the grueling couple of months that we've had.  If we were to assume that we could go up against the big boys in this tourney and possibly win, then losing would matter a lot more than it does.  In the end, I'm happy with how far we got and not overly wrought about the fact that we're not moving on.

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Transfer Deadline


Shaun Hobson


Shaun's contract was up at the end of the season and Gillingsham made the offer.  I had brought in enough depth to be able to let him go.

Despite the rumors that Palmer was going to get a deal it never came in so he's still with the club.


Adan George


David Okagbue


Luke Robinson


Shaq Forde


Tunji Akinola


Rather than speak about any of the 5 acquisitions individually, I'll address them as a group.

None of them are superstars... in fact none of them will probably be anything other than depth, but that's what we needed at the moment.

Adan George looks to be maybe the best of the group and could be a semi-talented striker.

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January Review



We've certainly had better months... but we've also had worse.  1 league win, 1 loss and 3 draws, plus we're knocked out of both competitions.



Wrexham has the top spot locked up, there's no catching them at this point with a catastrophic end to the season on their part.  The next 2 automatic promotion spots are definitely in play as only 6 points separate #2 from #7... and #8 sit only 10 points out of 2nd place.

Data Analysis


Team Stats: League


Player Stats: League




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Match 33


Postgame Presser

At one point in this match you were down 4-0 in the first half before finally putting one in the back of the net with extra time running out.  Then you came back after the break and scored 3 unanswered to make it 4-4 before finally settling on the 5-5 draw.  Emotions running high?

My heart hasn't stopped pounding yet.  I'd love to say that after we went down 4-0 that I felt we had them right where we wanted but that would be a lie.  I really didn't know what to think at that point, they were just blitzing us and we couldn't do anything to stop them at that point.  It's possible the late goal in the first half to make it 4-1 gave us a little charge and then we came out after the break and seemed to turn things around.  I would have loved to just be sitting and watching this match take place.

Edited by Blarney
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February Review



2 comebacks to force a draw in the first 2 league games this month and then finally a 1-0 win to keep us in contention.



Just the tiniest bit of breathing space but we're holding on to promotion.

Players Attacking Stats


Players Defending Stats


Data Analysis





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Match 36


Postgame Presser

Tough loss against a club that's somewhat of a rival.  Are they just better than Notts at the moment or does it come down to money?

This is the 2nd or maybe 3rd loss in a row to them so obviously they are getting the better of us in these matches, so take from that what you want.  I'm not going to make excuses about money or anything like that.  We played them tough and my boys know it's going to be a hard match every time we meet them on the pitch.

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March Review



2 wins, 2 losses... seems to be how we're playing recently.



But it's still be enough to have us hanging on to the final automatic promotion spot by 1 point... with 1 game in hand.

Only 7 points separate #3 from #11... it's that tight.

Data Analysis


Player Stats: League


It's sad to see Langstaff still leading the league in so many categories despite playing in so many less games.  We're really feeling his loss.

Team Stats: League




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Youth Intake

A few that look okay, but not much to speak about in overall terms.

Alex Hall


Alex is only 15 so we won't be very critical.  As a potential striker though we wonder if he'll ever develop the necessary technical ability.  His secondary position is on the wing and he may end up there instead.  He's very small at just 5'4... but he's relatively quick and he has good aggression so we'll see how he comes about.

Kwame Frimpong

kwamefrimpong.thumb.png.5ec08b6191ef93d14a06138af3a0268a.png15-years old as well, allegedly a left back that has no physical ability at all..... but I guess we'll see.

Prince Muchenje


Prince is 16 and his numbers are all over the place.  We'll have to see him develop to see where he fits in best.

Thom Gascoigne


Thom is a 15-year old winger or left-midfielder.  He has decent physicals, good crossing and technique so we'll watch his development closely.

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Match 40


Postgame Presser

This loss knocks you out of automatic promotion with just a handful of games left to play.  Did you say anything to the club after the match?

Yes, I said the season wasn't over.  Destiny may have been taken out of our hands but that doesn't mean it's gone for good.  We just need to dig in and go do what we know we can from here on out.  It's one match, we can't let it get us down.

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Match 43


Postgame Presser

A big win, which not only punches your place in the playoffs but moves you back into the top 3.  Do you think you can hold on to that spot?

Well we control our own destiny once more and at this point in the season that's all you can ask for.  I'm not going to make any predictions at this point but I'm very happy with where we're at as a club.  All we can do now is not let the moment get beyond us.

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**with just 2 games left on the schedule I'm not going to do a full month's review this time around but will show you where things stand currently**

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Stockport Preview



With just 2 games and you holding on to a 2 point advantage for the 3rd spot on the table, you're at home versus Stockport - who find themselves in a playoff battle while holding the 7th spot in the league by a single point.  I would imagine that Stockport feels this is a must win game for them... do you feel the same?

I'd hate to put the pressure on the boys by saying it's a must win, but at the same time if we lose here and Grimsby gets a victory then we lose the control that we've fought for the entire season to be in this position.  So while I won't say must win, I hope the lads know that this is just about as important as it gets.

You are getting quite a nice rest before the match so I would assume your first choice players should be ready to go.

Even if they weren't rested I can't imagine any of them wanting the night off with just 2 games to go and promotion on the line, but yes, everyone should be readily available.

Things were looking a little shaky there for a bit after you lost Langstaff during the January transfer window but lately it seems that everyone has started playing more like they were before he was gone.  Was it just a matter of accepting he's not there or something else?

Everyone here is a professional.  We know Langstaff's quality and losing him was a blow.  But I have a squad full of guys that want to step up and be the next in line.  Scotty has done a great job taking ove the #1 spot up front and everyone else has just settled in to their roles.  It might have taken a few days to get over the initial shock but I wasn't worried about everyone coming together.

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AFC Wimbledon Preview



One match remains and you're 2 points up on Grimsby for the final automatic promotion spot.  In terms of big matches, it doesn't get any bigger than this.  Do you have anything different planned for the match or is it business as usual?

I can't imagine wanting to change things up much going into the final match with promotion on the line.  The boys know how big this is and will be more than ready but it's going to be just like any other match as far as how we prepare for it.

Wimbledon has nothing to play for but may relish the role of spoiler here, does this concern you?

I don't like saying a team has nothing to play for because there's always pride and always wanting to do your best.  I would hope that if the roles were reversed my boys wouldn't be thinking there's nothing to play for.  However, you are correct that they could be relishing the idea of being spoilers here and that could make them a dangerous opponent.  We certainly won't be looking past them.

It's been a few months back but the last time you met Wimbledon - which was at home - you actually lost 0-1.  Is that result on your mind or on the team's mind?

It shows their quality no matter their standing on the table.  We have to take them seriously.

Is there anything to the fact that even if you lose and Grimsby wins you at least have a playoff spot secured which means your season wouldn't technically be over?

I don't want to look at it that way.  We all know how the 3 seasons before last year went with Notts earning a playoff spot only to lose and not earn promotion.  We have a chance to bypass that and that's what we want to do.  Saying that, we don't have to pressure ourselves into a must win situation... but we all know that's the best route here.

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Match 46


Postgame Presser

Grimsby's loss in their final game meant that no matter the result here and you were going up.  Even if they had won your superior goal difference would have still given you the nod.  What's the mood in the changing room right now?

I'm not sure I can even voice it right now to be honest.  There's a little bit of shock, I'm not sure that we entirely expected this to happen so early.  I thought maybe we could contend if things went right and maybe push for a playoff spot and I think everyone in the changing room would say the same.  For us to earn automatic promotion, it's beyond our wildest dreams.

Christoffer Reedtz was asked for some comments after the match and he had nothing but the highest praise for you and your staff and what you've accompished.

Well it couldn't have happened without them leading the way.  They've come through when we needed things from them and put money into the club when it was necessary.  Things like this don't just happen without everyone pushing in the same direction.

What's the next step here?  League One next season.  Any predictions?

(laughs) No, no predictions right now, I just need this to sink in and then like last year at this time, we sit down and start making plans to move forward.

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Post-Season Presser

First and foremost congratulations on a successful season and your promotion to League One.  How is the attitude of the team right now?

There might have been a few drinks had after the match.  One or two maybe.  In all seriousness it may be awhile before we come down from this.

Any different feeling than what you had this time last season when you earned promotion to League Two?

Yeah, it's a bit different.  We had a good club last year and I think the expectation was that we were probably the 2nd best team in the league behind Wrexham and that we deserved to go up or had every opportunity to earn a promotion.  So it wasn't really that surprising when we finished in first place and were promoted.  Also it was my first season in charge so I really didn't know any better.  Not that I came into this year thinking it was easy, but honestly the first season really didn't test us much.  This year, I thought we had a good club and most people had us finishing mid to upper table but I think probably didn't have us playoff bound and certainly didn't think we would get automatic promotion.  As the season went on and we were sitting top 2 or top 3, top 4 and it became obvious we stood a chance at automatic promotion it got very real for me.

The loss of Langstaff really seemed to affect the club and even though you were still competing in most matches there were some obvious differences in how the guys were playing.

Absolutely.  I think people forget that these are real people out there playing a game.  And I'm a real person as well so making decisions on who plays or doesn't play or who we put up for tranfer or what bids we accept or don't accept, those can be difficult decisions to make at times.  Unfortunately with Caulay's contract there was a minimum release clause in there.  It was for 2 million pounds and honestly I didn't know if any other club would want to meet that asking price, but when Cardiff did, we didn't have any control over it at that point.  It was all about whether he accepted it or not.  I know he struggled with it.  He had just signed a new contract with us at the beginning of the season and he loved it here but what the supporters have to understand is that any good footballer wants to test themselves.  Granted, we were in the promotion hunt but at the same time Cardiff were also most likely going up and in fact finished first and will be in The Championship next season... while we will be in League One.  So it was a big opportunity for Caulay to get to a bigger club and a bigger league to show off his talents.  I can't fault that and none of our supporters should either.  That being said.... I hate losing players I want to stick around.  Anyway, yes it affected our guys and it took a few games to get things sorted and even then it's obvious we were missing a heart and soul from our club.  Luckily, we had a few guys step up and were able to bring in some help during the transfer period and got things sorted out and it all worked out.

Do you expect any other changes going into next season?

You never know.  It's quite possible some other clubs might come sniffing around because that's what happens when you have a good year, other teams are going to be interested in your good players.  We can only deal with that when it happens.  I do expect we will have a little more money to play with and will be looking to bolster a few roster spots as well.

Predictions on next season?

I think League One is a major step-up from the National League or League Two.  I expect some stiff competition but hopefully we can fight to stay out of any relegation battle and maybe look for a mid-table finish, which would be something to build on.  I know we can count on our supporters to be there no matter what and we definitely want Meadow Lane rocking on match days.

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Season 3 Preview

Welcome to League One

Manager of the Year


That's 2.  Back-to-back Manager of the Year awards.

Youth Facilities Upgrade


The board has agreed to upgrade our youth facilities to something approaching decent... finally.

Supporter Profile


For some inexplicable reason despite back-to-back promotions... we've lost hardcore fans.  Someone will have to explain that one to me.

Season Prediction


No arguments from me.  I'll actually be happy if we can avoid a relegaton battle and finish somewhere mid-table.  I think that's probably what's going to happen.

Golden Boot


I don't see any of our guys anywhere near this right now.

Top Player


Same here, I don't think this is going to be our season to have anybody approaching player of the season.

New Budget and Expectation


We do have a little money to play with.... and we've already spent most of it.  The expectations are fine, avoiding relegation is the plan.


Edited by Blarney
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Normally I say I don't care about the pre-season, and I don't.  So bad results can't change my mind.

To be honest, we have a lot of depth now -- maybe too much -- and I was mixing and matching players all pre-season trying to get players playing time and find a right mix to go into the season.  So I'm not entirely worried about the results, expecially since we were in every game... for the most part.

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Eddie's Personal Diary

So I decided to sit and write down some thoughts about this crazy ride I've been on the past few years.

I don't want this to come across like I have a lot of self-importance because that's not what this is about.  It's really more a confession.

Or maybe not a confession but something for posterity.

I never really thought a lot about what it meant to be Jimmy Sirrel's grandson.  He was a footballer and then manager - some would say legendary, at least around Nottingham.  But let's be honest that's mostly because Notts County had never had much success until he came around.  And even then it's not like they took the football world by storm and racked up a bunch of hardware and wins, at least not at a top level.  He did take them up a couple of tiers when they were languishing at the lower levels and gave them back a sense of pride.

So for the supporters of this club... that made him a legend.

But that was a long time ago, it's written in the history pages of the club.  And honestly today for a lot of the younger supporters they probably wouldn't even know who he was unless they knew the name from their fathers or knew the history of the club.  Certainly for me growing up it's not like I was a "celebrity" because of the name.... although most of my mates knew who my grandfather was because they loved the game like I did and I was able to get them access to the club because of my name.

Anyway, like I said, this isn't about self-importance.  It's not like I'm saving the world or the son of someone who is.  I'm not the son of a King or President or anybody that most people would think is important.  I'm a football manager.  

The funny thing is I never really thought much about being that.  Not that I never had the dream of managing a club, especially "my" club.  I'm certainly not the first in England that's had that dream and because of who I am (again not self-importance) it was something that I thought of often, following in the footsteps of my grandfather.  But dreaming about something and then really thinking that you could actually do it, are sometimes two different things.

And that's where this diary comes in.

I'm starting my 3rd season as manager of the Notts County Football Club.

It was my dream.

Become reality.

Become nightmare.

Well that's probably a little melodramatic.

It's not really a nightmare.  But what started out as something "fun"... has become very real.  When I took over the club we were struggling in the National League.  We had finished 3 straight seasons in playoff contention and 3 straight seasons of being knocked out and not getting promoted.  This was obviously unacceptable to new ownership, the board, the supporters, the backroom staff, the players and anybody and everybody else that was associated with the club.

That's when I was hired.  A move that was somewhat panned by critics due to my age and lack of experience -- regardless of my name.  I can't say they were necessarily wrong, if it had been anyone else my age and experience level and I was on the outside looking in, I may have questioned it myself.  But it's not like Notts was some big name club, sitting in the Premier League that was looking to hire some big name manager.  Although hiring an unknown with no managing experience was certainly at least questionable, something had to give with the club.  Something had to change.

Now, If I'm being honest, when I took charge the club was already good... like I said they had made the playoffs the last 3 seasons, it's not like they were bereft of talent.  We were predicted to finish 2nd behind Wrexham so I just had to tweak a couple of things here or there and we were on our way to at least another playoff finish to the season.  At that point it was almost like I was playing Football Manager (great game if you don't know what it is) and things were really just rolling along.  We ended up running away with the title relatively easily in my first season.  In my 2nd season it wasn't as easy... but it was still pretty easy.  We were still a good game and as I've pointed out before, I don't think there's much difference in quality of players or clubs between the National League and League Two.  So if we were that good in the National League, I figured we'd be nearly that good in League Two as well.  And that turned out to be mostly true.  Granted, we didn't win the league nor did we just coast along but we were able to secure a 3rd place finish which was good enough for back-to-back promotions.

It really was Football Manager to this point.

Life was on easy-mode.

But now it gets real.  Now we're in League One and this is a definite step-up in quality of both players and clubs.

Now I'm questioning myself.  Am I really up to this?  Is my lack of experience going to come back and haunt me?  Do I know what I'm doing?  This off-season wasn't much of an off-season... really it was no off-season.  I spent the whole time planning, working on tactics and spent nights looking at scouting reports rather than sleeping.  I've spent countless hours looking over my club, my players, making decisions on who stays and who goes, making transfer plans, sorting out loans... many, many loans.  Probably to many.

If there's one thing we've done for 2 seasons is acquire young players... and this season I've come to realize that we're overflowing in youth, and honestly most of it really isn't that good.  At first I was just telling my people to grab nearly anybody and everybody that looked like they had any sort of talent in hopes of finding that one diamond in the rough, because honestly our youth recruitment was terrible.  Now we have so many young players that I'm having a hard time finding playing time for them or clubs to loan them out to so that I can find someone else to pay for them.  At the same time nobody that we acquired really has stood out to be someone that can come in here and help out... with a couple of minor exceptions.

But that's really the least of my concerns.

I've lost count of how many different formations I've tested and player combinations I've used to try and find something that I think works the best for my club.  I used multiple formations and combinations during the pre-season and nothing really seemed to click.  Granted I was probably overthinking things and making it more difficult, but I'm just not happy with what I've seen so far.  Part of that may be the pressure I feel I'm under right now, which is again probably the product of me overthinking.  The fact is the board isn't really putting pressure on us this season to do much more than stay in League One and although the supporters may say they want to go up again, I can't imagine that the vast majority of them would really think the season wasn't a success if all we did was stay up.

So my sleepless nghts continue as we're through the pre-season now and I'm still unsettled on my starting 11 and formation.

Maybe it will all come to me in a dream at some point if I do sleep.  Or maybe I'll see the solution in the clouds somewhere.  Or maybe it will hit me when I'm having my morning cup of tea.

Whatever it is or however it happens.... I sure hope it happens soon, because this season depends on it. 

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Meet The Squad

2024/25 Edition

**as always some players are listed on multiple lists because I'm not smart enough to figure out how to exclude certain players from certain lists or dictate exactly what that list pertains to... for intance if I strictly only wanted strikers or defensive mids on the list... they always show up everywhere**

The Forwards


Langstaff was sorely missed when we lost him last year but Scott stood up and did a decent job in his place.  I'm going to attempt to use a 4-2-3-1 formation this season because I think it will suit us best by being able to basically put 4 attackers up front and 6 playing mostly defensively.  With that I only need 1 striker with 2 wingers and 1 attacking-midfielder.  Benjamin is going to be the man up front because I like Scott more on the wing.  Davies will play opposite him and Barry will be the attacker in the middle.  Forde, George and Vincent will be the main backups with Hoti being able to step in as needed.  Unfortunately I don't have a lot of depth on the wing but we'll make it work because I'm not afraid to just stick someone like Forde or George out there and give them some time in a different position.

The Masters of the Middle


I'll be using 2 men in the middle, both playing more defensive-mid roles.  My 2 starters will be Smith and M'Hand with Bajrami splitting time backing them up and playing on the defensive line.  Palmer, Francis and Hoti will also be available as needed.

The Defensive Line


4 men are needed on the defensive line... 2 in the middle with 1 each spread wide.  The 2 in the middle will be Brown and Bajrami with Kacurri, Aljofree, Olosunde, Akinola and Kavanaugh spelling them.  Out wide will be McKnight and Jeffcott with Murray and Olosunde as the main relief but others will play there as necessary.

The Keepers of the Goal


Mair is the starter as he has been for the past 2 seasons.  Kovacevic has a lot of potential behind him and is still young.

What we like.. what we don't.

Squad depth.  We love it and we don't love it.  Obviously it's nice to have options but we might have a few too many and could use a little salary relief by losing a few guys that aren't going to get much time.

Player salaries.  They have gotten out of hand as guys continue to ask for improved contracts or we've had to pay a little more than we wanted to get quality players on the club.  We have a few that are outrageous with Olosunde's being the most egregious but Barry's isn't necessarily what we wanted to pay either, but we found ourselves desperate for more attacking help in the middle and he was available for free.

We are soooo young.  Again love it and don't love it.  We progressed so fast, I almost really wanted to spend another season in League Two to give my young players more time to develop before being thrust in "real" action in League One.  Trial by fire I guess because they're going to have to step up... or we're going to have a very long season.

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Portsmouth Preview



Any nerves before your first League One match?

Wouldn't be human without them.

Your first 2 seasons have been pretty impressive.  Back-to-back promotions.  You've got the reputation as an attack first manager.  Will that continue here this season?

I'm pretty sure I've said before that goals win games.  It's not that I don't like defense because I do, in fact I love defense, I demand a lot from the guys back on the defensive line.  But if you're asking me my priority, it's attack.... then attack some more.  Then when you think you have nothing left, attack again.  No, in all seriousness, I don't think there is a most important phase of the game.  You have to attack and you have to defend.  You can score all the goals you want but if you're giving them up just as quickly it doesn't much matter.  But I do like to press and I do like to attack.  Rarely will you see my guys just sitting back and not trying to push the ball forward.

You've said before that you think the competition in League One is a big step-up from League Two which you said was virtually the same as the National League.  What are you expecting this season?

I'm expecting high quality matches with high quality players.  You are correct, I have said I think the quality here is much improved from the average quality of club and player you see in the lower tiers.  So we either step up our game... or we're going to find ourselves right back in League One.

And since you brought it up do you think you have enough to stay up this season?  It seems the bettors are thinking you do, but not by much.

Not by much is just enough if that's how it plays out.  I have a young squad and that could be good because they don't know enough to know they may be outclassed in many of these matches.  But it could also be bad because they don't know enough.  Meaning another year or so of seasoning might have been good before testing themselves in this league... but at the same time they've been winning and with that winning comes great confidence.  That confidence will be tested this season.

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Match 1


Postgame Presser

A tale of 2 halves?

Absolutely.  I tell you what they came out of the gates and just blitzed us.  We were on our heels the entire first half.  We gave up those 3 goals and if I'm being honest, I really thought we might give up several more in the 2nd half the way we were playing.  We were not good.  But credit to the boys, always.  They just do not give up and we talked before the 2nd half, made a few adjustments and came roaring back with 3 of our own.  We had another that was disallowed that I really thought was close.

So does this give you pause to reconsider your tactic or give you hope that maybe you can stick with what you're doing?

Well it's one match so I don't want to really think either way.  Obviously we were terrible in one half and then really good in the 2nd so take from that what you will.  I'm going to let the boys play and see what happens.  If we need to make changes, we'll make them as we think they need to be done.

Edited by Blarney
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Just now, theBlackPrince said:

Back to back :applause::applause: Some of them wages for League One are eye-watering! Looks like you should be able to cope at this level and be pushing on up the table once more!

They're out of hand you mean.... lol.

I'm not even sure why we're paying them to be honest, but we have the money, League One money I guess.  We're definitely pushing the top of what we have available but as long as we can afford it I guess we're okay.  I'd still like to drop a few guys and lesson the burden on the pocketbook.

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Carabao Cup First Round


Postgame Presser

You lost to Mansfield from League Two which certainly couldn't have been the plan.  After a poor showing in the pre-season, a draw in your first match and now a loss against a lower tiered club are there any concerns with the club at the moment?

I'm never concerned about the pre-season win or lose, it's all about getting ready for matches and testing tactics and getting players in match shape.  We had one bad half in our first league match and then one excellent half.  And we lost this game, which isn't the first time nor probably the last time we'll ever lose to a club that pundits say we shouldn't.  Arsenal, Man City, Juventus and Paris Saint-Germain have all done the same.... I think it's acceptable if we do also from time to time.  Next question.

That's a fair response but at the same time the supporters will want to know if there are any plans to mix things up?

We're always looking at ways to improve whether that's bringing in new players or changing personnel on the pitch or changing tactics or whatever is required to reach our goals.

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