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How to "Get Worst Teams From Division"

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How can I make a competition get the bottom X teams from a different competition? 

Scenario: I have three 32-team tiers. The bottom 16 teams from Tier 1, all 32 teams from Tier 2, and the top 16 teams from Tier 3 enter into a 16-group competition (The Culling) that reorganizes these 64 teams. The top 16 teams  from The Culling go to Tier 1, the middle 32 teams go to Tier 2, and the bottom 16 teams go to Tier 3.

My problem is, the year after The Culling, Tier 3 is not properly its bottom 16 teams which did not qualify for The Culling.

In Tier 3 > League Stage > Teams, I have tried everything including Get All Teams from Division, Get Best Teams From Division, setting Maximum Number of Teams, Maximum Number of Teams In Overall List, Team Index, Sort Teams, Reverse the order of teams in this list....

Worth noting: when I set it to Get All Teams From Division and then check "Reverse the order of teams in this list", I get a nice list of all previous season's teams in reverse order of standings, starting at the bottom. However, since I only want the top 16 teams from this list, I go and set "Maximum Number Of Teams" to 16, thinking this will just give me the Top 16 teams from this list. But instead, the list now starts with the team who finished 16th and goes up to the team who finished 1st. [conceptually I understand why it's doing this - it is creating the list of all teams, and then sorting it, and then reversing it. So setting the max # of teams chops the initial list, then it gets sorted and reversed].

I just need something that works like a "Get Worst Teams From Division" option. Or even a way to grab these top 16 teams and ignore them, and then grab the next 16

There must be an easy way to tell it to get the 16 teams from last season which finished #16-32, and also get the 16 teams from The Culling which qualified for this league. 

Edited by underklassh3ro
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"Get beat teams from division" with max set to 16 and the box for "ignore teams" checked, then same entry without the box checked. These probably have to come AFTER the entry for the teams who qualified from the Culling, or else the "ignore teams" will mean some of them are cut out (unless I read it wrong)

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Definitely a step in the right direction, thanks for pointing out the ignore teams box.

The problem now is that the teams who qualified from The Culling AND were in the top 16 of Tier 3 are initially pulled in by the first rule (get qualified teams from the Culling) and so the second rule (ignore the Top 16) misses those teams and instead pulls in some of the teams that finished just outside the top 16.

I'll troubleshoot this tomorrow but thank you for the start!

Edited by underklassh3ro
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Ahh OK, sounds like team pools might come in handy too - particularly with "number of teams in overall list" set to a max, which will factor in previous entries (like the entry for the Culling qualifiers), and for which you can include specific "ignore teams" entries that will only apply to that team pool. Just too tired to think of how to make it work rn too. But it sounds like you're on the right track

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