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Altering the number of league games after a 'split'


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Currently have a division of 14 teams, where each team plays each other twice before a split after which they play each team in their half of the league once, for a total of 32 games. I wish to make the total number of matches 38 by making each team play 12 times after the split instead of 6.


I could do this fairly easily in basic rules, however, the DB contains a lot of advanced rules which I'd rather avoid having to redo. So just wondering how I go about changing this in the advanced rules. 


Have already tried altering the 'matches from other stage' section in the 'stage 0' of the competition but this just created errors.


TIA for any help :)

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Advancew rules - Stages - League settings . Go down to where it says league seperator and you will see 2 options for 1st and 2nd section rounds after split . No need to change matches from other stage as its already 2 rounds . You will have to change the dates to make the season accomodate the extra games 

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6 hours ago, alian62 said:

Advancew rules - Stages - League settings . Go down to where it says league seperator and you will see 2 options for 1st and 2nd section rounds after split . No need to change matches from other stage as its already 2 rounds . You will have to change the dates to make the season accomodate the extra games 

I get to this point and then I don't know what to do next, I can't find any section that mentions the number of games. Stage 0 is the first part of the league I think, 1 and 2 are the 2 halves of the league after the split.


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