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A little research?

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I found out while playing with noumerous teams for several seasons using diffrent tactics all the time that 100% goals you score are divided roughly somewhat like this:

a)50% go to set pieces and penalties

b)40% go to opposition mistakes

c)5% go to own goals

d)5% to creative play or should i say when you simply outplay someone

and the A.Is:

a) 50% creative play

b) 40% set peaces and penalties

c) 5% opposition mistakes

d) 5% own goals

Now,that in my book just isnt right.

Rarely do i see my team outplay anybody and score a goal,by that im mean passing the ball around, finding a free man,sending tough balls through the defence and scoring,and im not talking about lower leauge managment here,im talking about the teams like arsenal,barcelona,milan etc.

I can accept that you can have days where you dominate a game and cant win,or when your strikes cant score out of 10-15 clear cut chances,that happends occasionally(rarely nowadays),but not all the time!!

When you are playing with a world wide known team and playing against a relegation candidate at home,you would expect heavy domination,a lot of shots on goal,even a lot of goals,because of pure talent of your squad alone.

How come my team can only score when the A.I makes a mistake on defence(a.k.a misses a interception or similar),but when the A.I. scores they regulary outplay my all star defence like some kids who havent played fooltball at all?

Something else i would also like to address.

If you plan to use numbers for players atributes,then players should act by these numbers,not defy laws of physics..for example,how is it possible for any player who has speed 10-14 to outrun a defender who has speed 16-19??

let me give you an example-how is it possible for a player like lets say kevin davies to start running from the center to get a long tough ball,alonside him is toure,davies has speed 12,acc 12,toure has speed 18,acc 17,and somehow davis outruns toure for the ball,even if he tried to beat the offside trap,and had lets say a few steps advantage,that is just not possible.

Its normal to assume that suazo,olic(and players with their speed) can outrun the mayority of defenders in the game.

But its not normal for slow players to outrun players like ferdinand,toure and other world class defenders or even go past them with the ball at all.

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I think if you did a bit more research you would realise it's not all about attributes but the way players are set up as well.

In my opinion Toure should always chase the ball down in such circumstances whatever the set up is. He is a professional and highly rated defender playin for an ambitious team at the peak of his career.

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