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Drag and drop in Tactics screen to change Roles instead of Players


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A suggestion for a quality of life improvement on the Tactics screen.

Scenario: I play 2 centre midfielders: on the left is a Ball Winning Midfielder while on the right is a Mezzala with Player Instructions. For my next match, due to the opponent I'm playing, I want to swap the two, putting the BWM on the right and the Mezzala on the left. I can do this, but this would take multiple actions, I would have to: (1) change the BWM's player role to Mezzala; (2) reapply the PIs to the Mezzala; (3) change the Mezzala's role to BWM; (4) swap the two players. This is quite tedious.

I have a suggestion to provide an alternative to dragging & dropping to make this process much easier.

  • Currently, when in the tactics screen, dragging and dropping only swaps the two players but doesn't change any roles or PIs.
  • My suggestion is to provide an additional option to instead swap the role + PIs (without changing the players). Perhaps this could be achieved by dragging & dropping with the right mouse button for example; or by holding an additional keyboard button (CTRL + left mouse click).
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