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Italian Transfer Rules

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Hello folks,

is there a player who knows the Italian transfer rules? My problem: I bought a non-EU player and can't register him because I have already 3 non-EU players. Now I will loan him. Will he be eligible to play for my club next season?



Rules Serie A.png

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In the vast majority of cases you have 2 foreign player slots each year.
1 slot is always available, no matter what.
1 additional slot becomes available if:
- you sell or loan a foreign player already registered abroad
- an already registered foreign player becomes a EU player
Any player bought from an Italian team is considered EU.

If you only have 1 unregistered foreign player left, the answer is yes, he will be registered in the next summer session.

If you haven't used the second slot because you don't want to sell or loan foreign players, there is a shortcut. Or at least there was in FM23 (I don't have FM24 because the last editions are garbage).
Buy a foreign player from an Italian team and sell or loan him abroad immediately.

Edited by DottorCaligari
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Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. It helped a lot! Now I understand these rules. Thanks also for pointing out the shortcut. 

Edited by Tom 99
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