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any way to disable "ongoing focus update"?

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I set up scouting myself and have 20 scouts working on 60 different focuses. This results in absolute spam in my inbox, where almost every day I get the message "ongoing focus update" about one or more of these particular focuses. It feels completely unnecessary and I have not figured out how to limit the frequency or better yet: remove it.


When I scout for players, I am ready to check for how the recruitment focuses are faring myself. Then I go into the scouting section and check manually. How do I remove this spam from my inbox without setting my chief scout to handle scouting?

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As you can see from my attached screenshot of my game, I am getting these "Ongoing focus update" messages almost every day. The recruitment focuses are set to "ongoing". Anyone from SI care to offer a solution? I do not want to leave scouting in the hands of my staff - I want to set it up manually like I have done.


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On 26/01/2024 at 00:09, MontyOnTheRun said:

As you can see from my attached screenshot of my game, I am getting these "Ongoing focus update" messages almost every day. The recruitment focuses are set to "ongoing". Anyone from SI care to offer a solution? I do not want to leave scouting in the hands of my staff - I want to set it up manually like I have done.


You need to change the 100 detailed scouting settings, I believe you have'nt found them. They are under Scouting -> Scouting center -> click the little gear on the right side of the screen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I set the priority to "standard" I just get new messages telling me the recruitment focus is finished. That's no good. I want the recruitment focuses to be ongoing and not be bothered about reading about them in my inbox every few days.... then I'll check manually what is going on every few months via the scouting center.


I noticed you can actually filter the messages in your inbox. If I untick "scouting" the annoying  ongoing focus updates are removed. But there's no way to make the filter stick. After you hit continue it defaults back to showing all messages. Surely this is another malfunction.

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