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What should my DM do in my tactic? Other than AVG rating what metrics should I use to judge his performances?

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I made this tactic and I am pretty satisfied with every role other than the DM, I don't know what he should specifically do so I just used DM(d) to cover all bases. However, this also means it pretty hard to used the data hub to judge his performances as, other than headers won, there are no significant strengths. Is this fine or to be expected and do you think the DM(d) role good for this tactic? Note: By design most of the ball progression from the back will come from the BPDs who have the dribble more PI


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I would look for how many interceptions, how many headers won and porcentage of tackles won, I see your DM in this tactic as the one that gives you balance, the tactic seems pretty solid, but you can always improve taking in count specific data, what do you want him to do?

Ask yourself if you want him more involved in possession or as a defensive outlet for your WB pushing up so agressive?

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Since creation comes from other roles, it is difficult to come up with another role for your DM. He's good as a cover doing menial work. You don't see him while everything is working.

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Added to what's already been said I would look at his passing stats and how his winning possesion to losing possesion stats look and how solid he is aerially.

Because you play out from the back a lot of traffic will still go through him and it sounds like you want him to keep it simple and progress the ball forward either to wingbacks or you CMs but he will probably also need to be a little press resistant with his mental attributes too.

Something like this can give you a quick snapshot of whether he's doing what you want.


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5 hours ago, Dr Naysay said:

Added to what's already been said I would look at his passing stats and how his winning possesion to losing possesion stats look and how solid he is aerially.

Because you play out from the back a lot of traffic will still go through him and it sounds like you want him to keep it simple and progress the ball forward either to wingbacks or you CMs but he will probably also need to be a little press resistant with his mental attributes too.

Something like this can give you a quick snapshot of whether he's doing what you want.


How did you create that visual? 

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