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[FM24] Ultimate USA Pyramid with Pro/Rel

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Great file thanks again. What would be easiest way to get youth/reserve leagues added? If i edited your file that is. Not super familiar with the editor but could weasle my way around it if not a huge undertaking

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12 hours ago, wilmafingerdo said:

Great file thanks again. What would be easiest way to get youth/reserve leagues added? If i edited your file that is. Not super familiar with the editor but could weasle my way around it if not a huge undertaking

I personally haven't added any before, but it shouldn't be too difficult. Working with the editor is mainly a lot of trial and error, but it's not hard to figure out. For adding reserve leagues, you have to work in the advanced rules settings. Under the USA rules, there should be an option for reserves leagues there, and that's where you add them.

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2 hours ago, Thatgingerdude15 said:

I've completed PL-L2 kits. I'm open to suggestions for special and one off kits!

Much appreciated, thank you. I've updated the Google Drive with the new kit folder. I don't currently have any suggestions.

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7 minutes ago, owncredible said:

Much appreciated, thank you. I've updated the Google Drive with the new kit folder. I don't currently have any suggestions.

Idm making custom kits for your current team if your currently running a save

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3 minutes ago, Thatgingerdude15 said:

Idm making custom kits for your current team if your currently running a save

I honestly haven't even had time to play the database, let alone any games in general due to college and work. I may have a couple hours here and there, but nothing stable enough for me to start any long-term saves. This week is my spring break, so I'm trying to work on updates for this, such as continental comps.

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25 minutes ago, owncredible said:

I honestly haven't even had time to play the database, let alone any games in general due to college and work. I may have a couple hours here and there, but nothing stable enough for me to start any long-term saves. This week is my spring break, so I'm trying to work on updates for this, such as continental comps.

Ooo new update soon! I'm planning on running a team from the lowest leagues after this uni year so cannot wait

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In the new database update a few logos aren't showing up, I'm only running your databases and these teams have different configs to those in the logo pack:

San Diego (2000337496)

Brooklyn FC (2000337497)

St Louis City (2000337512)

Rhode Island (2000337498)

Sporting Jax (2000337526)

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Thatgingerdude15 said:

In the new database update a few logos aren't showing up, I'm only running your databases and these teams have different configs to those in the logo pack:

San Diego (2000337496)

Brooklyn FC (2000337497)

St Louis City (2000337512)

Rhode Island (2000337498)

Sporting Jax (2000337526)

Alright, I’ll get them fixed in a few hours. SI’s 24.3 update is probably what caused it. I’m seeing a few more missing on top of the teams you listed.

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Posted (edited)

Important Announcements

If you downloaded the logo pack and V1.03 of my database before this post, you will find this information useful. SI's 24.3 data update caused the unique IDs of many teams and competitions in my database to be changed. Because of this, a lot of logos weren't showing up. The change in IDs was something that flew over my head when I released the V1.03 update (rookie mistake). Anyways, I have now updated the logo pack, so everything should be correct now. If you see anything wrong that I missed, please let me know.

Additionally, I will be working on the new update for the next few days. I have a little more free time due to spring break, so I want to get some things done. I'm hoping to add continental competitions and reserve leagues. I won't give a specific release date but know that I am working on it.

Lastly, if you find any issues, please let me know ASAP. Also, feel free to leave any questions or comments you may have. I try to check the forums everyday, so that I can respond quickly. As always, thanks for your patience.

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On 13/03/2024 at 23:14, owncredible said:

Important Announcements

If you downloaded the logo pack and V1.03 of my database before this post, you will find this information useful. SI's 24.3 data update caused the unique IDs of many teams and competitions in my database to be changed. Because of this, a lot of logos weren't showing up. The change in IDs was something that flew over my head when I released the V1.03 update (rookie mistake). Anyways, I have now updated the logo pack, so everything should be correct now. If you see anything wrong that I missed, please let me know.

Additionally, I will be working on the new update for the next few days. I have a little more free time due to spring break, so I want to get some things done. I'm hoping to add continental competitions and reserve leagues. I won't give a specific release date but know that I am working on it.

Lastly, if you find any issues, please let me know ASAP. Also, feel free to leave any questions or comments you may have. I try to check the forums everyday, so that I can respond quickly. As always, thanks for your patience.

Spokane Velocity's logo isn't showing up. Code is 2000337500

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Posted (edited)

Follow-up to Previous Announcements
I apologize for the radio silence this past week. I had a big assignment that I spent an extensive amount of time on. Anyways, let’s get right into business.

As mentioned previously, I was working on the new update with continental comps and reserve leagues. I honestly didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped to. I also discovered some potentially bad news:

The editor is having conflicts with the NCAA when I try to add continental competitions. Because of these conflicts, I will not be able to add continental competitions UNLESS I remove the NCAA.

Now, there’s two paths I can take. I can either forget continental comps completely, OR I can make a file without NCAA that includes them. To clarify, I can still have a file with NCAA, but there will be an extra file without NCAA that has continental comps. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Hoping to hear from multiple people before I make a decision. Thanks.

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I downloaded your databases and moved some teams between the divisions according to their real life results and power rankings (because the way you put them in the new american divisions system just doesn't make sense). But now every time i start a game i find some mls reserve team in the southwestern regional league. I tried applying the same changes in both the databases, but it just doesnt fix this problem. I haven't done anything apart from changing some kits and assigning the teams to a division that reflects their real life quality, without changing the number of teams in each division and without deleting anything at all. I can't think of anything else to do to stop Atlanta United 2 or some other reserve team to pop up in southwestern league. Do you have any idea on how can something like this happen? I searched everywhere for the source of this problem, and now I finished ideas. As you can probably tell I am not a very good editor.
Thanks in advance for the help

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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, digoin said:

I downloaded your databases and moved some teams between the divisions according to their real life results and power rankings (because the way you put them in the new american divisions system just doesn't make sense). But now every time i start a game i find some mls reserve team in the southwestern regional league. I tried applying the same changes in both the databases, but it just doesnt fix this problem. I haven't done anything apart from changing some kits and assigning the teams to a division that reflects their real life quality, without changing the number of teams in each division and without deleting anything at all. I can't think of anything else to do to stop Atlanta United 2 or some other reserve team to pop up in southwestern league. Do you have any idea on how can something like this happen? I searched everywhere for the source of this problem, and now I finished ideas. As you can probably tell I am not a very good editor.
Thanks in advance for the help

With all due respect, this is a fictional database. If you’re looking for pro/rel between the real life structures, this isn’t the one for you. I have no problems with you moving around teams if that’s what you want to do, though.

To answer your question, I don’t know without looking at your file to see what you have done. You can send me your file via a private message, and I can take a quick look at it. However, please understand that I am a very busy individual, and I won’t be able to extensively help you. Thanks.

EDIT: It's hard to read emotions through text, so I just wanted to put this clarification out there. I wasn't offended by the statement that my structure didn't make sense, which is why I put "with all due respect". I don't mind if anyone wants to change the structure to what they want it to be. Instead, I just figured that he may be looking for a pro/rel database with a more realistic structure.

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On 25/03/2024 at 02:55, Vakama2619 said:

I'd personally prefer to see a file with continental comps, even if this means removing NCAA

On 25/03/2024 at 13:13, Failproof said:

I also would like to see file with continental competitions

1 hour ago, BFJ148 said:

Ditch the NCAA, I've been waiting for Continental Comps

Alright, it seems we have a consensus to add continental competitions. I'll try to get them done as soon as I can, which will probably be this weekend. It just depends on how fast I get done with my homework this week. Thanks for your responses.

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Good evening! I have read that you are going to eliminate division 1 of the NCAA so that there are no conflicts with continental competitions. Therefore, I assume that my question has already become irrelevant and has already been answered. The same was if adding division 2 and/or 3 of the NCAA was in your plans. Since FM 2010 I haven't played with a database that has them available. 

Thanks for your work and keep it up!

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14 hours ago, gaucharro said:

Good evening! I have read that you are going to eliminate division 1 of the NCAA so that there are no conflicts with continental competitions. Therefore, I assume that my question has already become irrelevant and has already been answered. The same was if adding division 2 and/or 3 of the NCAA was in your plans. Since FM 2010 I haven't played with a database that has them available. 

Thanks for your work and keep it up!

I initially wanted to add NCAA Divisions 2 and 3 into the database. I actually had all the teams and conferences all created.

The problem was going to be that players weren’t going to generate into the divisions, making it pointless to play. For the NCAA Division 1, it is using the USL League Two divisions, which are hardcoded to have players generated in the first year. That’s the only way we have been able to type of NCAA division. Otherwise, we’d have to use the other real life leagues and modify their teams.

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5 hours ago, owncredible said:

I initially wanted to add NCAA Divisions 2 and 3 into the database. I actually had all the teams and conferences all created.

The problem was going to be that players weren’t going to generate into the divisions, making it pointless to play. For the NCAA Division 1, it is using the USL League Two divisions, which are hardcoded to have players generated in the first year. That’s the only way we have been able to type of NCAA division. Otherwise, we’d have to use the other real life leagues and modify their teams.

hi mate for those who like to play with real rules, is it possible to have a file without pro/rel with NCAA div. 1?

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1 hour ago, dino88 said:

hi mate for those who like to play with real rules, is it possible to have a file without pro/rel with NCAA div. 1?

Is it possible? Yes. Am I going to be the one to do it? Unfortunately, no. Sorry, I know you’ve been wanting a realistic DB with NCAA. I just don’t want to stray away from doing pro/rel.

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Love this. Keep up the good work.

What's your plan for the continental competition? As when playing in North America will the vanilla database, continental competition was pretty dry. I always wondered whether a full Americas competition would be more fun and immersive (essentially consuming North America into the Copa Libertadores, etc.).

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49 minutes ago, albanie. said:

Love this. Keep up the good work.

What's your plan for the continental competition? As when playing in North America will the vanilla database, continental competition was pretty dry. I always wondered whether a full Americas competition would be more fun and immersive (essentially consuming North America into the Copa Libertadores, etc.).

My plans are to have them similar to the real life ones. I can try to expand the teams list a bit, but I don’t plan for the comps to be too extensive.

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20 hours ago, owncredible said:

Is it possible? Yes. Am I going to be the one to do it? Unfortunately, no. Sorry, I know you’ve been wanting a realistic DB with NCAA. I just don’t want to stray away from doing pro/rel.

no worries mate. if you come across a project with a realistic db + ncaa, please feel free to let me know!

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Posted (edited)

Hello! Happy Easter to those who are celebrating it.

Just here to provide a quick update. I will need a bit more time for the continental competitions as I'm having trouble getting them to show up in the game. I'm still actively working trying to fix the problem, but I have also reached out to someone for help as well. I'm not experienced with them, so I'm unsure if I'm doing anything wrong. I was hoping to get them done this weekend, but that may not happen, unfortunately. I apologize for the delay. I know some of you are eagerly waiting for them.

Thanks for your understanding.

EDIT: I also discovered something that I didn't notice for the longest time. I accidentally had UPSL for the USPL logo. I've got it fixed now, so you can redownload the logo pack. It kind of bugs me that I missed that, but oh well.

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Hi, happy Friday everyone!

Thanks to a couple people’s advice, I have now got the continental competitions to show up in game! There’s still a few things I need to do before the update drops, but we are on the right track. I’m hoping (not promising but hoping) to get the update out by Sunday night. I will be working on it this weekend.

Also, I’ve decided not to have a file with NCAA at all. It’d be a hassle to maintain two separate versions of the database, so I’m going to cut my losses. It seems that most people wanted continental competitions, so that’s the direction we’re going.

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1 hour ago, Jorgen said:

Will there still be drafts or all those complex salary rules?

No, this is a fictional database. There haven't been any drafts or complex salary rules.

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4 minutes ago, owncredible said:

No, this is a fictional database. There haven't been any drafts or complex salary rules.

Though I like to try the drafts sometime, I had trouble playing with all the salary rules when I previously tried to manage in MLS. (which made me decide to let every transfer be done by my staff)
I am glad to hear your update has none 😊😊👍

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V1.04 Update

Continental Competitions are finally here! I have added 4, and they're similar to the real-life CONCACAF club competitions. I also added additional staff members and removed the NCAA as mentioned above. Be sure to redownload the logo pack! If you don't, the logos will be messed up!

NOTE: IF I decide to add them, reserve leagues will be in a future update. I'm still undecided on how I'm implement them, so I've decided to wait until I test a couple different methods.

Changes Made:

- Added Continental Competitions

- Removed the NCAA division, teams, and conferences

- Updated logo pack for V1.04

- Removed my created versions of Rhode Island FC and Brooklyn FC (replaced by the pre-existing versions of them in-game that were added in the winter update)

- Modified the pre-existing versions of Rhode Island FC and Brooklyn FC

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  • owncredible changed the title to [FM24] Ultimate USA with Pro/Rel (V1.04 UPDATE)
On 29/01/2024 at 00:00, owncredible said:

While the database is released, there is still room for improvements and more features to be added. Over time, I plan to provide updates to make the playing experience even better. Though, I am fairly busy with college, so don’t expect updates to be super quick unless they are for minor bug fixes. Thank you.

Download the Files Below!

Logo Pack and Kit Pack Link* (Be sure to redownload the logo pack for V1.04!)

*Credit goes to @Thatgingerdude15 for creating the kit pack.

(WARNING! If you use multiple databases, the unique IDs may change and the logo pack may be off. You’ll have to adjust that yourself if that’s the case. Files are loaded in alphabetical order, so you can save my database as a different name to make it load first. Then, the logo pack should work)

NOTE: I recommend loading all possible players in to add the additional staff members and adding players to playable teams.


Ultimate USA V1.04.fmf 160.25 kB · 12 downloads Ultimate USA V1.04 (CC).fmf 157.63 kB · 9 downloads

Ultimate USA V1.04 (CPL Expansion).fmf 157.71 kB · 5 downloads

Do we need all the files at the same time being loaded?

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  • owncredible changed the title to [FM24] Ultimate USA with Pro/Rel

If you started a new save on or after this past Tuesday and noticed some logos were missing, that was not my fault. SI's 24.4 data update caused some of the unique IDs to be changed again. I have now fixed them and reuploaded the logo pack, so they should all be correct now. Let me know if there's anything that I missed.

Also, while I have you here, I'll give my plans for the next update. My goal is to add reserve competitions for every league. The structure will probably mirror the main structure, but I'm not sure if promotion/relegation works out the same way. It may be the case where the reserve team gets "promoted" whenever the main team moves up. I've never created them before, so I'll have to experiment to see what works. Additionally, I want to fill out the Regional Leagues to get all of them to have 20 teams each.

Give me a few weeks or so, and I should have the next update out for you. Thanks.

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V1.05 Update

In this update, I have implemented U-23 reserve leagues to both simulate youth teams and replace the NCAA. Please know they are NOT playable as that was never my intention. Also, 30 new clubs have been added, and ALL regional leagues now have 20 teams each.

This update will most likely be the last major one for FM24. From now on, any future update will focus on making minor fixes or quality-of-life improvements.

As always, please let me know if you find any issues. Be sure to redownload the logo pack as well.

Changes Made:

- Implemented U-23 reserve leagues for every division.

- Added 30 new clubs to the structure (see teams list on front page).

- Rebranded The Villages SC to Brave SC.

- Rebranded South Bend Lions SC to Michiana FC.

- Rebranded Oly Town Artesians to FC Olympia.

- Fixed the error where history was showing up twice in USCH, USL1, and USL2 (my mistake).

- Updated the logo pack for V1.05.

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  • owncredible changed the title to [FM24] Ultimate USA Pyramid with Pro/Rel
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, superbab76 said:

Im new to fm, how do I organise the files


You should have a Sports Interactive folder somewhere in your files. In that folder, you should have one that's named Football Manager 2024. Click on it and there should be a folder named editor data. You'll want to put your downloaded files in the editor data folder. Then, when you start a new game, you have to load in the files. I'll attach pictures to help show you (click on them to make them easier to see).

I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Screenshot 2024-06-25 133752.png

Screenshot 2024-06-25 133827.png

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fixed pictures
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