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Technical play in defensive areas

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34 minutes ago, umole2k said:

Good day community. How do you train technical play in defensive areas? What training schedules should i use?

I would prioritize technicals that help defenders 1. be press resistant 2. progress the ball. A BPD w/dribble more can be a great addition to most backlines w/the right attributes.

My approach to training would be to keep things similar to regular. Create your schedules leaning on the "blue" general sessions, a match practice, and rest for the boys. Then look specifically at what attributes you're trying to develop and add a couple of those sessions in where you can. Sessions will detail which attributes they train for each group when you preview them. 

Individualized training is another helpful step. Mental attributes are easier to develop as players age, so knocking out the technicals when they're young can be helpful. 

Edited by Cloud9
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I saw on Bust the Nets training video that its useful to place your wingbacks and DMs into the attack unit in the units tab, this will improve non-defensive attributes such as crossing etc whilst the positional training will help defensive attributes.

That tip alongside his linked routines sped has not only really helped my young WBs develop better, but also gave my 2 young players I was retraining  as DMs from DCs the passing attributes to not only impact play more but also be played as DLPs if needed.

As always a great video from him that without fail shows things in the game Id never think of myself:

Also found it useful in in managing player tiredness as well as a number of other things I havent mentioned here.

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