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[Suggestion] minimum league current ability threshold


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Over time in smaller nations players get much worse as the game progresses.

I have recently made an experiment where I loaded 4 league levels in Albania which has produced decent players in recent times and even added custom Reserve and U19 teams for each team, for a total of 8 reserve/youth leagues (4 reserve leagues for Reserves and U19) consisting of 16 teams each with 12 from 12 substitutions rules and no registration limits. The good newgens with potential that started out with 50 CA and 130+ PA only managed to reach 70-85 CA once they turned 21+.

I propose the introduction of a minimum league current ability threshold. By that I mean that players who are part of the senior squad will experience faster development should they meet certain conditions that apply for that league until they reach a certain CA ability where their development slows down to normal speed. The idea could even use multiple CA thresholds. With each CA threshold added the training speed increases if their CA ability is under that threshold. For example you could add fast development (Training x 4) for under 60 CA U19 players in senior squads and fast development (Training x 2) for under 80 CA players for U21 players who get game experience in the top leagues of certain smaller nations in order to not lower the nations overall league CA.

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