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FM - Difficulty

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Most gamers mistakenly believe they can handle and enjoy challenging games, but in reality, they don't play those, and they also look down on simple games. The Dark Souls series and Elden Ring are not actually that difficult, but they have a reputation of that. FM is the same. For single-player games, it is necessary to use a challenging reputation to attract core users, while offering an actual lower difficulty to expand the user base.

Is FM easy? Yes. It even offers a cheating tool which is part of the game. By not changing every attribute of every player of your team to 20, you already made yourself a rule, why not make more to make the difficulty more comfortable for you?


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1 hour ago, Russell10 said:

It seems easier this year compared to previous years? Love the game just doesn’t seem as hard, anyone agree?

I have found it to be easier which in isolation isn't a disaster but, it feels like its trended that way for a few years so the cumulative effect of that is a potential issue.

What typically happens is, you can get a reasonable challenge in season one but that is almost certainly going to be your biggest challenge because of the rate at which you can improved in the various elements of the game. One of the things I've found recently is the impact that's having on squad building, I land  a player I want with an eye on next season but my rate of progression in a save can be so great I've outgrown that player almost immediately and I'm on to his replacement. Rinse and repeat. As squad building is one of the more enjoyable and popular elements of the game I think its something SI need to keep a close eye on.

The only way I can keep any kind of longevity in a save is to restrain myself from buying players that are available and keep players when better options are available. It's much harder IRL to sign players in the first instance and upgrade your squad. 

Edited by janrzm
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29 minutos atrás, ChaosReiter disse:

Most gamers mistakenly believe they can handle and enjoy challenging games, but in reality, they don't play those, and they also look down on simple games. The Dark Souls series and Elden Ring are not actually that difficult, but they have a reputation of that. FM is the same. For single-player games, it is necessary to use a challenging reputation to attract core users, while offering an actual lower difficulty to expand the user base.

Is FM easy? Yes. It even offers a cheating tool which is part of the game. By not changing every attribute of every player of your team to 20, you already made yourself a rule, why not make more to make the difficulty more comfortable for you?


You can make the game harder but you can't make AI better, that's the problem. Even though one can create a set of restrictions to keep the game challenging, AI is still dumb anyway. Bad at squad building, bad at substitutions, bad at tactics...

Many people play attributeless and that is challenging, but still won't make AI any better. Football is like: A manager is doing well ? Certain style of football is prevailing ? Someone will come up with a way to counter it. In FM that does not happen, AI is flat as you keep progressing. Implementing some sort of machine learning in FM would be a way, but that seems impossible.

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10 hours ago, JimmysTheBestCop said:

Every tycoon becomes easy once figured out. 


You play FM for things like story or doing one of the challenging save ideas. 

Just because FM becomes easy doesn't mean it cannot provide you with an extreme challenge. 

I’d love the challenge that Pep, Arteta and Klopp have battling for league titles. It doesn’t really exist in the game after the first few seasons. Still too easy to run away with the league once you have established yourself.

There needs to be more jeopardy introduced for big teams such as high reputation players randomly dropping in CA, more players leaving for a new challenge and more risk when signing high potential players or even those with a high CA not settling. 

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