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44 minutos atrás, andu1 disse:

I use it to change AI managers pref formations from time to time.. Mangers rarely use the same formation their whole careers

I think most managers don't even have a prefered formation. Modern football requires flexibility, having a prefered formation is suicide.

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38 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

I think most managers don't even have a prefered formation. Modern football requires flexibility, having a prefered formation is suicide.

Some managers have a preference for 3 at the back systems like Conte, Allegri or Inzaghi.

I would rather have this as a preferred perk or something of this kind... Manager x prefers 3 at the back systems, or Manager Y prefers a passing style so they choose a system that suits their squad...

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2 hours ago, andu1 said:

I use it to change AI managers pref formations from time to time.. Mangers rarely use the same formation their whole careers

I hadn't noticed that. Can you change only the formation, or can you go deeper and change roles/PI/TI ?

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1 hora atrás, andu1 disse:

Some managers have a preference for 3 at the back systems like Conte, Allegri or Inzaghi.

I would rather have this as a preferred perk or something of this kind... Manager x prefers 3 at the back systems, or Manager Y prefers a passing style so they choose a system that suits their squad...

That would be a great idea! Makes way more sense indeed. Guardiola likes to play 433 but at Bayern he played many different tactical styles, even 343 with fullbacks as centerbacks. I think it would be nice if managers had a certain preferred style, and then they would use formations that suited that style. Klopp = pressing = 4231, 433.. Guardiola = Possession = 433, 343.. Conte = counter = 352, 4141...


Curiously, all the managers you've cited are italians, where defending with 3 at the back is common.

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41 minutes ago, Bahnzo said:

I hadn't noticed that. Can you change only the formation, or can you go deeper and change roles/PI/TI ?

Only the formations as far as i can see

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