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Poor editing or hints to underlying mechanics not functioning correctly?

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After inquiring into the demands of my own player for a contract renewal, the agent suggests I "move quickly to gain a jump on other clubs" right after saying "there's no offers or interest currently registered" in the player.

This could be one of many really awkward phrasings in the game, however if something behind the scenes is making contract negotiations take place as if there is urgency or the players have other clear options then it points to something really not working and potentially skewing the way conditions of negotiations. This makes me worry about other poor phrasings in the game and if they are indicating underlying mechanics that aren't working correctly. 

There are numerous other instances in which I have just assumed that the developers have not allocated sufficient resources to ensuring that the in-game text has been professionally edited/proof-read. Is it just poor writing or does it indicate that things are working incorrectly. In this instance an agent potentially playing hard-ball because he thinks that I'm desperate to extend his contract as a matter of urgency. The use of the word "desperate" in many interactions is just totally inappropriate. Again, I assumed poor writing. However, does the managers apparent desperation impact negotiations? Screenshot2024-02-13at10_27_01.thumb.png.b7695dcba4ab526c7d773e15edf47dcd.png

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To me that reads fine, albeit a little awkward.  I would read it as agent bluster in that there isn't currently any interest, so if you move now, you can secure the signature before that interest "inevitably" comes in.  Of course, that interest would likely never materialise, but it doesn't seem too much of a reach to suggest it's just a bullish agent.

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2 hours ago, forameuss said:

To me that reads fine, albeit a little awkward.  I would read it as agent bluster in that there isn't currently any interest, so if you move now, you can secure the signature before that interest "inevitably" comes in.  Of course, that interest would likely never materialise, but it doesn't seem too much of a reach to suggest it's just a bullish agent.


I'm two days and five hours into grading English exams, so I can't help picking up on errors of concord or logical coherence. We could debate the grammar all day, however the real problem seems to be that there is no clear or logical link between the words used by the A.I and the messages the user is meant to infer from them. 

If we take your plausible understanding to be correct, then the inference should be that this is a potentially problematic agent who will bring nothing but trouble down the line. There should then be either attributes or text that confirms this inference. From there it is up to the user to decide what course to take. However, in my opinion there is too much of this game that is words for the sake of wordiness or vagueness that adds nothing to the user experience. This may partly explain why many are bored, confounded, or infuriated with press conferences and player interactions. In such a text heavy game there should be more attention paid to what the text actually means. SI surely has enough resources to hire people with the required language skills... 

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The agent will also say there is interest in the player when there is none. I've always assumed it is just flavor text to represent the agent giving the hard sell.

The only thing I have noticed with displaying how keen you are is getting more (or less) detailed feedback from the agent.

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It may be flavor text, but then SI should clarify what is decorative and what actually has an impact on game dynamics. There is so much vagueness that unless there are ulterior motives for not doing, SI could save themselves a lot of headaches by just saying what is within and what is outside of players' control. 

An example of clarity would be the ongoing issue that some have with fatigue. People have gotten very heated and mean while debating this topic, and although there's no excuse for throwing tantrums online, SI could easily put a stop to the debate by clarifying whether or not is working as intended. 

I think my point boils down to FM and its creators just not being very good at communicating, in-game and about the game. As someone who has played this series since the late 90s when the games were far less complex, it seems like SI hasn't seen the need to increase the amount of information they share. It doesn't make much sense to me.


(Also, I really don't want to carry on grading exams :()

Edited by TheHuss
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I totally agree.

The dialogue in the interactions is quite bad generally.

It's typically got a juvenile energy to it.

For example, if a player has been at your club on loan and been through a number of positive experiences during their loan, you would expect that to be acknowledged in any negotiations to buy the player permanently, or to make the negotiations easier.


Anyway, I gave feedback a while ago that I felt the game could improve a lot if the developers really deepened interactions, and stories in the game. Because they create an emotional connection that makes playing the game so much more enjoyable and meaningful.

Not sure if anything will change in the new version of the game coming out this year though, typically nothing will change, the usual story. it would be nice to see though if they do.

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