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Recruitment focusses...I have so many questions

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So I went on holiday for a season and am now in May, checking what my scouts found during the season.

One of my scouts found a player in an ongoing wonderkid recruitment focus and judged him to be a near miss because his "asking price being above his market value"

Question 1:
Why is his asking price even relevant?

Question 2:
Why is this player, although he has been fully scouted, not listed under Players -> Scouted Players?


Question 3:
If I add columns for Asking Price and min/max asking price due to scout's opinion, the price actually fits the market value. Why was he a near match then?



Question 4: How are you supposed to track near match players if you go on holiday? The completed recruitment focusses area only shows results from up to six months ago. So if you go on holiday for a season, you will never know which players were near matches and why.

Question 5: Is this supposed to be like this? If so, are there any workarounds for a) my scouts ignore asking prices and b) the game to show fully scouted near matches under scouted players?

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There are numerous threads on recruitment focuses. SI have acknowledged that they aren't working as intended for everyone and that they are looking into it. Hopefully these nonsensical occurrences and more will be dealt with in the the final patch. 

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