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Need to understand differences between the stadium place options in the pre-game editor


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Can you explain the differences between stadium options as in the screenshot when we pick a place for a match? I have a custom competition in a nation. Help much appreciated. 

Screenshot (56).png

Edited by Montiero
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Home = Home stadium of the team drawn first.

National = The national stadium of the country the competition is in. eg. Wembley for England. For countries with no national stadium set should vary between the stadiums they usually use for internationals.

U21 National = Same as above but based on the stadium settings for the U21 team instead of the senior team.

Neutral = A randomly selected stadium in the country/continent the competition is based in.

Host = The stadium assigned as the host stadium for the competition (you need to set it up to assign a stadium as the host, unless editing default rules where that's taken care of already).

Ask Competition = I believe all of these are for hard coded things. Not really usable for custom rules.

Stadium 0 onwards = The stadiums in your stadium pool in order. eg. if you tell it to get 10 random stadiums from the host country and sort them by capacity, it'll choose 10 stadiums and assign the highest capacity one as Stadium 0, the next highest as Stadium 1 and so on.

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3 hours ago, rusty217 said:

Ask Competition = I believe all of these are for hard coded things. Not really usable for custom rules.

Have used the ask competition neutral ones in a similar way to the Neutral in the list. I didn't see any difference, so back to Neutral for me. Do agree that this is probably for default competition.

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I've had "ask competition neutral (exclude home)" work. Either it will take a list of stadia from the country, or if the stadium pool has at least 3 stadia (so that there's always one available that's not home or away). I think that's probably how they did the old Spanish Cup finals where it was a neutral ground each time.

If you don't specify a stadium pool, stadium_0 is just the biggest in the country IIRC (that fits whatever requirements that tournament has for capacity, condition,etc)

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