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I have returned for the 20th time to ask for help with player histories.


Does anybody have a good guide to creating a player. I don't mean just to put together a basic person and a contract and stats, but to fill in ALL of the things.


My current problem is trying to get the player history correct in the biography of the player. I have a player called Alois Oviedo. I have it written that he began at club A in 1/1/2006 and has remained there 'til the start of the game date. In 2009, 1/1/2009 to 31/10/2009, he moved on loan to Club B for a season.

I have filled in the player history and non-player history correctly. I have done his contract correctly. I have, what i'm assuming, is everything correctly. When i go into the game and look at his profile and biography, it states he joined club A in 2006 and broke into the team in 2009 making 2 appearances (correct) then signed for club B in 2009 and appeared 30 times (Incorrect because it tells the reader he joined permenantly instead of on loan), then nothing else. The player has 10 more seasons of data written out yet it does not read it out and only claims he played 2 games then left to join club b in 2009. i have ticked 'on loan' in the history and there is nothing to differentiate in the non-player history.

i could write in the player history another line with the of his later seasons which would read and present his 300+ league apperances, but it would still read he joined club B and then say he rejoined club A again.


I know how fill out the player history and make it work if it involves a simple transfer or a 'one club man' history, but once there's a loan -- the game won't register that it's a loan except in the player stats section. 


Thanks babe

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Can you show the history section for this player, because apparently something is missing according to the game (or it is a bug which I would like to confirm in this case).

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4 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

Can you show the history section for this player, because apparently something is missing according to the game (or it is a bug which I would like to confirm in this case).



Thank you for your reply. Attached are the images and some more just in case.Screenshot2024-02-17191603.png.e2ec5506b90551a3cf341708ea00ecc0.png

Screenshot 2024-02-17 191542.png

Screenshot 2024-02-17 191530.png

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If a post gets an reply, it is actually more likely that people will check your post. So posting multiple times could mean your post is not looked at by people.

In this case, I checked your screenshots with the editor and the game, and from what I am seeing, your setup looks pretty much spot-on from what I would do based on your description what you want in game.
Which means the issue is in the game not recognizing this properly. So it's a bug unfortunately.

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