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How do I convert my Under 20 to Under 23 with EDITOR?

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Hello everyone!
I have a question for you about the pre-game editor.

I'm Inter and I would like to eliminate my Under 20 team and make it an Under 23 team registered in Serie C. Is it possible in any way?
I've tried various tests, but I can't.
A strange thing happens: I managed to create the Under 23 team and inserted it into Serie C by moving other teams. Okay for now.
But the Under 20 is also automatically created in the game (so I end up having (u18-u20-u23 and 1st squad), not registered in the Primavera Championship, but still selected for the Primavera Cup. I would like the Under 20 to be completely eliminated, because I effectively converted it to Under 23.

I'm probably a noob and I'm missing something.



Edited by Ermes Messaggero Nerazzurro
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41 minuti fa, EnigMattic1 ha scritto:

Is there not an option to tick "does not use" for an u20 side? 

Yes, but...it happens.

I think it's a bit complicated and it's all linked to the major leagues. Maybe there are some rules that need to be changed.
The point is that I have never changed competitions, so I am not very expert about this area of the editor.


Edited by Ermes Messaggero Nerazzurro
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The solution is a little bit more complex than just a couple of clicks, please bear with me

The section 'Reserve Teams to Create' is related to the Reserve Divisions on the overall structure, so getting rid of the U23 entry in this section will affect the way 'Serie C/A' works, which is the reason of the error message you're getting.

On the other hand, if you add a team on the section above 'Reserve Teams', will create an entry on the game data base, something like 'U20 squad FC Internazionale Milano' that you can manually add to any division, but of course the U23 team will remain and you'll end-up with a U18, U20 and U23 squads.

My guess (please take this with more that a pinch of salt) is that you might need to modify the 'Serie C/A' either reducing the minimum number of participating teams to make this happen as you're describing it. Again, it is just my semi-educated guess

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2 ore fa, RodTheCid ha scritto:

La soluzione è un po' più complessa di un paio di clic, per favore abbi pazienza

La sezione 'Squadre di riserva da creare' è correlata alle divisioni di riserva nella struttura generale, quindi l'eliminazione della voce U23 in questa sezione influenzerà il modo in cui funziona 'Serie C/A', che è il motivo del messaggio di errore che visualizzi stai ottenendo.

D'altra parte, se aggiungi una squadra nella sezione sopra 'Squadre di riserva', verrà creata una voce nel database del gioco, qualcosa come 'Squadra U20 FC Internazionale Milano' che puoi aggiungere manualmente a qualsiasi divisione, ma ovviamente la squadra U23 rimarrà e ti ritroverai con squadre U18, U20 e U23.

La mia ipotesi (per favore, prendilo con più di un pizzico di sale) è che potresti dover modificare la "Serie C/A" riducendo il numero minimo di squadre partecipanti per far sì che ciò accada come lo descrivi. Ancora una volta, è solo la mia ipotesi semi-istruita

In truth. my goal is the opposite: remove the Under 20 and add the Under 23.
Anyway, I appreciate your message and, yes, I know it's a complicated process I'm asking for.
I have tried many things, but without success. We need someone very experienced.

I eliminated the Under 20, I changed the rules of Primavera 1: I changed the number of teams and the ranking rules. But in the game my Under 20s are re-created anyway.
Why? Because I discovered that on advanced rules->Italy->reserve championships... there is the setting that automatically creates the U18 and U20 teams for every club.
If I remove this rule, what happens is that the Primavera Championship no longer works and all the Under 20 teams are entered in the Argentina Under 20 Copa Libertadores. WTF!!!

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