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Set Intensity to physio rec's


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Every day I visit the training center and click "set intensity to physio recommendations" after making sure my player isn't sent on a 2 week vacation. After that all the physio recommends are fulfilled but what is unnecessary and annoying is to have to click through all the "non physio recommendations" to set them back to automatic. Is that a feature or a bug? I have to, every day, manually set them back to automatic. Can we agree that a toggle, or check box to set all back to automatic  or even just automatically set them back to automatic  (for which I have built an intensity schedule to handle this, back to automatic. Clickety click every new day is getting old.... See all the selections for this day. While it is just clicking it detracts from the flow of the game and I've set up all the auto rules you created already. What's the deal?

signed - cramped clickety click finger

Thanks for your consideration.


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Upon further thought and research, it seems like setting all to automatic is supposed to work fine, but I'd like to build in an automatic option to follow the the Physio rec's when Injury risk is high. Follow the automatic rules I've made unless injury risk is high, then follow Physio. This could be a toggle to turn on if managers want to use it. Make sense? Seems to me the physio group is best equipped to manage higher risk situations and I could stop visiting this section every day. Make sense?

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