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[Suggestion] Trait Intensity

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Right now, traits are binary: either you have them or you don't. The idea would be to change traits to be a float variable making the intensity of the traits impacts dynamic. Traits would still have a baseline of 1 or 0, but users could edit the intensity of a trait on a player with the in-game editor. For instance, if a player wanted Messi to attempt dribbles as frequently as he did in his prime, they could increase the trait intensity for Runs With Ball Often or Beats Opponent Repeatedly, to 3 or 4 - tripling or quadrupling the traits impact. Or if they wanted a more minimal impact they could increase it to 1.5 (multiplying the traits impact on Messi's proclivities in game by 1.5).

I think this would really enhance the variability of play and offer opportunities for players attempting a more immersive experience as they could alter players to exhibit tendencies more similar to their real life counterparts. It would also allow for more interesting new gens, who could spawn in or potentially develop higher intensity traits that would enhance the variability of the game. Finally, it might make some fun but otherwise useless traits more viable, like Tries Overhead Kicks, which typically only happens about once every other season for a player with the trait. 

Would love to hear folks thoughts on this change. 

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Personally I would like this system to use the same 1 - 20 scale as attributes and positions.
This way we can model a player becoming more comfortable with a trait as he works on it.

Maybe players could even pick up traits by osmosis from playing a certain role extensively?
I feel like this would be a more realistic way for traits to form, as players habits usually form without direct involvement from the coaching staff.
If a player has been playing DLP for years, and he has the stats for it, it would make sense for him to develop the "dictates tempo" trait right?

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Love the osmosis idea, already implemented in mentoring but would love to see roles have the same effect.


My preference is for trait intensity to be a multiplier rather than a 1-20 system because it offers more flexibility. If I want a player to take 10 bicycle kicks a season i can set the multiplier high enough to make that happen. With a 1-20 system, it's hard to know what 20 means. If my character has a 20 in overhead kicks is he still only going to take a bicycle kick a few times a season, maybe less? The multiplier would put more power in the hands of the player.

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