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[Suggestion] Improved suggestions for individual training focus


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My understanding is that the training focuses the Assistant suggests are based of what role the Assistant believes the player to be strongest in. So if I go to the individual training screen and click the "Ask Assistant to set individual training" button, he would set players to train in their best role and set individual focuses based on  that role.
I think it would be better if the individual focuses were determined by the role the player is being told to train. So if I want my centre back to become a Ball Playing Defender and set that as his training role, the individual focuses should help him grow into that role, not whatever role the Assistant thinks he is best at.
To add to this i suggest splitting the "Ask Assistant to set individual training" button into two options: "Ask Assistant to assign for everything" which does the same thing as the current button, and "Ask Assistant to assign focuses" which only assigns focuses.
This should make it easier to shape players to fit our tactics without having to switch focuses around manually, saving us a lot of busywork without fundamentally changing the training system.

Edited by Sealionborn
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