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Good morning, I started my career with Millwall, everything was fine, I was fighting for 2nd place in the table and direct promotion to the PL.
The last 2 matches of the season looked like this:
Away match against Playmont, two goalkeepers were injured during the match and I got a red card, I lost 2-4
The last match against Swansea away, I won 5-0 in the first half, and then I drew 5-5.

I took 3rd place, I was 1 goal away from having a higher goal difference and taking 2nd place in the table!!

in the play-offs I lost 0-5 against Hull City and turned off the game.
In my opinion, the game is cheating and does everything not to advance in season 1!!!
I'm angry.
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10 minutes ago, WhiteElf said:
Good morning, I started my career with Millwall, everything was fine, I was fighting for 2nd place in the table and direct promotion to the PL.
The last 2 matches of the season looked like this:
Away match against Playmont, two goalkeepers were injured during the match and I got a red card, I lost 2-4
The last match against Swansea away, I won 5-0 in the first half, and then I drew 5-5.

I took 3rd place, I was 1 goal away from having a higher goal difference and taking 2nd place in the table!!

in the play-offs I lost 0-5 against Hull City and turned off the game.
In my opinion, the game is cheating and does everything not to advance in season 1!!!
I'm angry.

Hi Angry, I'm rinso.. 

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9 hours ago, WhiteElf said:
 How you explain, my last match in which I won 5-0 and was sure of promotion, and then I drew 5-5, it's unreal

Clearly that was all due to VAR and biased referees.

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50 minutes ago, Carmi88 said:

the results are almost as brutal as this thread

And them be some brutal results. I'm feeling a rather unpleasant taste towards them myself. Maybe Mr Angry is simply misunderstood.

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Okay, you can laugh at me. I played a full season, many matches. I had 2 goalkeepers, during the match two goalkeepers were injured, I had to put a defender on the goal.
In the last match, I was winning 5-0 in the first half, I was sure of advancing, but I drew 5-5 and did not advance.
In the play-off match I got 3 red cards, coincidence?

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12 minutes ago, WhiteElf said:

Okay, you can laugh at me. I played a full season, many matches. I had 2 goalkeepers, during the match two goalkeepers were injured, I had to put a defender on the goal.
In the last match, I was winning 5-0 in the first half, I was sure of advancing, but I drew 5-5 and did not advance.
In the play-off match I got 3 red cards, coincidence?

Just one of those things son. Most things go full circle in FM - as they do in real life. One day i'm sure you'll be playing a season where something will happen like you're nowhere near the play offs but you win your last four league games away to the top teams, crash the play offs in the final game, then in the final come from a goal behind to win 2.1 in injury time & gain promotion. 

All parts of the ups & downs in life kid. Enjoy & learn

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16 minutes ago, Brodie21 said:

Just one of those things son. Most things go full circle in FM - as they do in real life. One day i'm sure you'll be playing a season where something will happen like you're nowhere near the play offs but you win your last four league games away to the top teams, crash the play offs in the final game, then in the final come from a goal behind to win 2.1 in injury time & gain promotion. 

All parts of the ups & downs in life kid. Enjoy & learn


Here is the proof. The last match of the season and the table at the end of the season. Norwich drew 1-1, the game simply didn't want them to advance to the Premier League

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9 minutes ago, WhiteElf said:


Here is the proof. The last match of the season and the table at the end of the season. Norwich drew 1-1, the game simply didn't want them to advance to the Premier League

No ones doubting your word. I think I can speak for all who have commented in saying we believe what you are saying. You're missing the point. These things happen. Stop feeling so hard done by & grow up a little. If you're not enjoying the game or believe there's a little gremlin inside that's stopping you from reaching the dizzy heights you believe you deserve, play something else. I would suggest something which offers skill levels, where you can set it to level 1, win everything & be happy.

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If you scored 5 goals in the first half, what stops the AI from also scoring 5 goals in another half?

But don't worry, we understand your frustration. That's football
I recommend that you know the history of Sunderland, as their level of bad luck or incompetence (lol) is 5 stars.

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In my favourite save of all time, in my first season, we missed out on the play offs by a point. Second season, made the play offs & lost in the semis. Third season, lost in the final. Fourth season, was winning in the final, when a goal in the last seconds took it to injury time & we lost. My fifth & final season, the play off final went all the way to penalties....where we lost. Of course i'd have loved promotion but I don't view it as failure or few injustice. I consistently - and enjoyably maintained a very good level & built upon the squad, staff, facilities & finances.

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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Brodie21 said:

In my favourite save of all time, in my first season, we missed out on the play offs by a point. Second season, made the play offs & lost in the semis. Third season, lost in the final. Fourth season, was winning in the final, when a goal in the last seconds took it to injury time & we lost. My fifth & final season, the play off final went all the way to penalties....where we lost. Of course i'd have loved promotion but I don't view it as failure or few injustice. I consistently - and enjoyably maintained a very good level & built upon the squad, staff, facilities & finances.

I feel for you very much. I started a new game, more focused and prepared. My dream is to advance to the Premier League and become a powerhouse with Millwall. I played 4 matches and won 4. I'll let you know how it goes!!


I don't use save/load. I am honest. I just won away against Norwich 3-2. Let's hope they get relegated this time.

Edited by WhiteElf
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18 minutes ago, WhiteElf said:

I feel for you very much. I started a new game, more focused and prepared. My dream is to advance to the Premier League and become a powerhouse with Millwall. I played 4 matches and won 4. I'll let you know how it goes!!


I don't use save/load. I am honest. I just won away against Norwich 3-2. Let's hope they get relegated this time.

I hope you are successful. As long as you enjoy the game, that is success itself. Enjoy :thup:

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I am sure Man Utd think that someone cheated as well. This game cost them the league title in 2012!!


These things happens all the time in real life as well as in the game. 

I just had this result. I won on penalties, but notice when Newcastle scored. There was a minimum of 5 minutes of added time.



If the game cheated I would have lost the penalty shoot out. Since the game does not cheat it was just a freak result. Anoying and frustrating! Of course, but that does not mean that the game is out to get you!
It never ceases to amaze me that some people really thinks that SI woud deliberately program their game to "cheat"so that their customer lose  games. Why on earth would they do that? It makes no sense from a financial perspective. 

Edited by dieu
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Always find it funny when people take winning in a computer game so seriously. How about growing up and stop being man-children? And this is not directed to the op in specific but a general statement. 

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Would be interested to know how the game was managed. At a guess:

-Tells the team at half-time that they're basically the second coming of Christ and all completely incredible, doing nothing to guard against complacency

-Leaves the tactics on an attacking setup

-Opposition goes into damage control mode, sits back more, and also succesfully motivates their team at the break

-They slowly begin to get more control in midfield and make some chances

-As the goals go in, the user changes absolutely nothing "because I was 5-0 up!!!"

-5 goals go in, ragepost time.

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It worked!! I played the entire season without watching the matches because I already knew the tactics and players I had. I used commentary during the matches.
The end of the season was nervous, especially the last match, Leicester played at home against Blackburn and lost!!!
For me, a draw with Swansea was enough, I was losing 0-1, but I managed to draw 1-1!!!
However, greater calm and good changes during matches and analysis gave me a promotion!!!
I got £35 million for transfers.
I'll add that I don't use save/load, I'm ambitious
I love FM 2024


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I have read a lot of things about tactics on this forum and I would like to present to you my tactics that I created myself.
I won't write about it, see for yourself.
I would like to thank you for your words of encouragement and support.
I'm going to fight to stay in the Premier League!! Keep fingers crossed!!


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You remind me of an angry version of myself years ago.  I do agree with you that the game engine does do things a bit weird at times.  I noticed that in those situations if you back down to stay safe and be deep in defence your more than likely to invite them to score.  Given that you know they are coming for you, I set up my tactics in those situations to counter them hard in full Max settings.

I watch the game and see if they push in my half. Are they constantly crossing the ball or going into central narrow attacks.  Given you were leading by 5 goals gave you ample time to change tactics.  It sounds like you didn't do it often enough and gave your opposition abundance time to make changes to exploit you.  

Remember fm24 AI is making more tactical changes more often from what I see pushing your managerial skills.  That's what the game is trying to do to you to become more potent in those situations.  Otherwise they could have pushed it to the realism side where you wouldn't be tested hard therefore not testing you potentiality. 

Trust me, I was a fire bomb to the devs and accused the game big time when in fact the game was pushing me to become a better manager.   I got banned and after some time of thought and relaxation was let back in the community.  I am more wiser and enjoy the challenge.  It does learn you and will hit your weakness spots so you can work on them.



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5 hours ago, ctfm2012 said:

Przypominasz mi gniewną wersję siebie lata temu.  Zgadzam się z tobą, że silnik gry czasami robi coś dziwnego.  Zauważyłem, że w takich sytuacjach, jeśli wycofasz się, aby zachować bezpieczeństwo i być głęboko w obronie, z większym prawdopodobieństwem zaprosisz ich do zdobycia bramki.  Biorąc pod uwagę, że wiesz, że nadchodzą po ciebie, ustawiłem taktykę w takich sytuacjach, aby przeciwdziałać im w pełnych ustawieniach Maxa.

Oglądam grę i sprawdzam, czy wepchną moją połowę. Czy stale przekraczają piłkę lub przechodzą w centralne wąskie ataki.  Biorąc pod uwagę, że prowadziłeś 5 bramkami, dałeś wystarczająco dużo czasu na zmianę taktyki.  Wygląda na to, że nie robiłeś tego wystarczająco często i dałeś swojej opozycji mnóstwo czasu na wprowadzenie zmian w celu wykorzystania cię.  

Pamiętaj, że FM24 AI częściej wprowadza zmiany taktyczne w stosunku do tego, co widzę, podnosząc twoje umiejętności menedżerskie.  Właśnie to stara się zrobić, aby stać się silniejszym w takich sytuacjach.  W przeciwnym razie mogliby zepchnąć go na stronę realizmu, gdzie nie byłbyś ciężko testowany, a zatem nie sprawdzałby twojej potencjalności. 

Zaufaj mi, byłem bombą ogniową dla twórców i oskarżyłem grę przez długi czas, kiedy w rzeczywistości gra popychała mnie do zostania lepszym menedżerem.   Zostałem zbanowany i po chwili zastanowienia i relaksu w społeczności.  Jestem mądrzejszy i cieszę się z wyzwania.  Uczy się ciebie i uderzy w twoje słabości, abyś mógł nad nimi popracować.

Cieszyć się 


I've been playing FM for about 10 years or more, in previous versions the game was too easy. Now it's more difficult, but that's good.
Unfortunately, I was relegated from the Premier League, but they didn't fire me.
I added a few leagues, but my laptop is too weak to continue playing.

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On 15/03/2024 at 23:30, WhiteElf said:
 How you explain, my last match in which I won 5-0 and was sure of promotion, and then I drew 5-5, it's unreal

You know the game is scripted don't you?





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Last night, the FA Cup QF between United and Liverpool was completely scripted. Liverpool conceded a goal off a free kick because they didn’t get back into a good defensive shape in time. That should be a bug cos it “never should have happened”.

Then Liverpool had two great counters one a 5v2 and another a 4v2, all Elliot had to do was pass the ball properly. How can the players who are all world class not see the obvious pass? Even a 10 year old can see the  pass. Definitely need to log that as a bug.

And finally the winning goal, with so many options to pass the ball and with the clock at 2mins left, the players should have tried to pass down the flanks, again another obvious bug. They pass to the opposition with so many options and promptly concede the winner. It’s a bug. 

Oh and ETHs tactical changes, would never have happened in real life, who plays an outright winger as a fullback, slab head as a forward and Fernandes as a defender in their tactic. It’s a bug… unrealistic tactics should never work.

Oops confused real life with Football Manager. Bad stuff happens in the game just like in real life. Life must be scripted then, need to find the shaman hiding under the goalpost.


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