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Loading multiple different files means set regional divisions are ignored for certain files.

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I downloaded and fixed up regional rules for an Australian file which hadn't done them correctly, however, when I load this specific file with multiple other files, regional divisions are ignored and teams just randomly just transfer between different leagues within the same parent comp, despite being set to a specific competition. What changes can I make to the file to fix this.

Please do not respond with "don't load multiple files." If I didn't want to work out another solution, I wouldn't have made this post.

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Try renaming your file. As far as I'm aware files load in alphabetical order, with the one loaded most recently taking priority. I take advantage of this with my own files giving them a prefix to manipulate the load order. Do the same and make sure your file is at the bottom of the list, is loaded last, and the changes there take priority over any others.

Although, also worth checking regional divisions are actually being used in your file. There should be a tick box in the parent competition to organise teams by regional division, if that's not ticked that may be why it's ignoring them.

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Further, any chance that regional divisions were set, and then unset in the "other" file (the one that isn't supposed to affect them)? If so you'll need to remove the changes themselves and then save it again (at least if you can't adjust the alphabetical order that rusty mentioned)

Edited by themodelcitizen
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On 02/04/2024 at 23:39, rusty217 said:

Although, also worth checking regional divisions are actually being used in your file. There should be a tick box in the parent competition to organise teams by regional division, if that's not ticked that may be why it's ignoring them.

This worked, thank you!

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