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Suggestion - on field melee(s), manager can intervene


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Depending on the mental makeup of your team there should he the occasional on field scrap between the teams - at this point you as the manager can verbally intervene (shout) to try and calm it down  and reduce bookings/reds - depending on how much you still 'have' the dressing room, or your standing in the game etc, depends on how likely the players are to listen to you.


I feel I have explained that badly, but there could then be journalist questions etc to follow 

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7 horas atrás, kentonizking disse:

Dependendo da composição mental de sua equipe, deve haver brigas ocasionais em campo entre as equipes - neste ponto você, como técnico, pode intervir verbalmente (gritar) para tentar acalmá-lo e reduzir cartões/vermelhos - dependendo de quanto você ainda 'ter' o vestiário, ou sua posição no jogo, etc., depende da probabilidade de os jogadores ouvirem você.


Sinto que expliquei mal, mas pode haver perguntas de jornalistas, etc. 

Please add this

Can the manager help on fight too 

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While realistic, the issue I see with this suggestion is that teams don't like to be shown like this in the game.

This is for instance why certain things only happen to newgens and not with real players.

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1 minuto atrás, Wolf_pd disse:

While realistic, the issue I see with this suggestion is that teams don't like to be shown like this in the game.

This is for instance why certain things only happen to newgens and not with real players.

I guarantee that many players here in Brazil would like to be seen fighting

they like to be known as good at fighting, Thiago Heleno, Luis Fabiano, Felipe Melo

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1 minuto atrás, Wolf_pd disse:

Pode ser, mas em geral os clubes não vão querer ver isso, independentemente de os jogadores gostarem ou não.

Ok, it makes sense

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