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Non EU players in Italy question.

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When you purchase your second non EU player for your team, you cannot play him in competitive matches unless you sell another non EU player. That one I get. However, why can't you play him in friendlies or include him in the training camp? Is it an omission / bug or is that the law? Thanks in advance!

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Sorry to hijack your thread. but rather than start another one for the same topic, is anyone able to explain the below to me?

Unless its just way too late at night, this seems to be explaining that the player is both eligible and not eligible for the eligibility-restricted non-EU slot?

I am sure i am completely missing something here, i haven't managed in Italy for a few years, i recall it being a lot more simple and it would tell you in the squad registration page how many slots you had.


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  • 1 month later...

So, to recap, in Italy you have the possibility to sign 2 extra-EU players every year. 

One is completely free: you can sign whoever you want, without limitations.
The other one needs to be marked as "eligibility-restricted non-EU player". 

When you fill the "eligibility-restricted non-EU player" spot, from that season on you can only sign one extra-EU player. 


every year you have the possibility to freed one spot selling outside of the Italy one of your extra-EU players, AND all extra-EU players you buy from any italian team will not count as extra-EU.


The first english player of each season you buy will not be considered as extra-EU (only the first).

bonus: don't look at the description you have when you make an offer. It's broken, and it does not count for all possibilities.

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18 minutes ago, paz said:

When you say English...do you mean Brittish (ie Scotland, Wales and NI too?)


I am not sure about it, to be fair. I would stick to English (not British) because I am sure about it, but it may be the same for other British nationalities

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