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I don't know what I'm doing... help!

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Hello coaches. I see a lot of people having success in this FM but this is clearly not the case for me. I've tried everything and the truth is that I can't have the slightest success. The more information I look for on how to do our own tactics, the more confused I become... I no longer know what to do. Maybe someone can help me?


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2 minutes ago, AzevedoVCD said:

Hello coaches. I see a lot of people having success in this FM but this is clearly not the case for me. I've tried everything and the truth is that I can't have the slightest success. The more information I look for on how to do our own tactics, the more confused I become... I no longer know what to do. Maybe someone can help me?


How would you like your team to play? I think you have the good bones of a tactic here, not too busy in terms of TIs which is a great start.

If you want to play on a midblock I would look for some roles that can add some width to your formation (I'd prefer true or of footed wingers for this) and remove counter-press which will make you easier to play through. Adding "pass into space" can make a midblock counter attack a bit more user friendly as well. 

There's some nice stickied threads I've linked above that you can read through if you're feeling confused on putting together a successful tactic.

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7 minutos atrás, Cloud9 disse:

How would you like your team to play? I think you have the good bones of a tactic here, not too busy in terms of TIs which is a great start.

If you want to play on a midblock I would look for some roles that can add some width to your formation (I'd prefer true or of footed wingers for this) and remove counter-press which will make you easier to play through. Adding "pass into space" can make a midblock counter attack a bit more user friendly as well. 

There's some nice stickied threads I've linked above that you can read through if you're feeling confused on putting together a successful tactic.

I want to play attacking football but without kicking forward. Football supported with short and quick passes. The full-backs provide width while the offensive midfielder will be the brain of the team, a destroyer and a transport midfielder.

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2 hours ago, AzevedoVCD said:

I want to play attacking football but without kicking forward. Football supported with short and quick passes. The full-backs provide width while the offensive midfielder will be the brain of the team, a destroyer and a transport midfielder.

I would look to move your lines up then, you can tell your fullbacks to run wide with the ball in the Pis.

On the goal conceded, It's difficult to diagnosis based on one screenshot but recruiting players who can defend/track runners is key to the defensive aspect of the game. I would prefer a double DM(s) for their higher, even positioning in the double pivot.

An isolated goal conceded can also just be an error!

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@AzevedoVCD I how it feels, the game can be very difficult at times, it is for me. People like @Cloud9 provide much help.

You want to defend in a midblock and then score with fluid counter-attacks? You can check on the tactical presets in the game. They provide you with an image of what is needed tactically. 

it is helpful to design squad views with the attributes you need for your kind of game. 
f/e I want to transform my team into a bunch of dirty machines. I have a squad view with Determination, Work Rate, Aggression & Bravery to have an overview who is a machine and who is not. 
this can be good first steps to go. 
1) take a f/e fluid counter-attack preset

2) squad view of the preferred playing style

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First of all, thank you all for your help. Normally I usually play with a higher defense but since I'm coaching Freiburg and I'm not one of the best teams I decided to lower the lines a little. I'm going to play a few more games and make some changes to see how the team evolves.

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Posted (edited)

If for the Europa League the team responds well, for the championship the story is different. I've even been warned by management that my place is in danger. I don't know what else to do... another save finished!

Sem título.jpg

Sem título.jpg

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18 minutes ago, AzevedoVCD said:

If for the Europa League the team responds well, for the championship the story is different. I've even been warned by management that my place is in danger. I don't know what else to do... another save finished!

Ignore the tactics for a little and just focus on managing the teams morale between matches. That will save your job quicker than worrying about which role goes where :) 

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44 minutos atrás, Cloud9 disse:

Ignore the tactics for a little and just focus on managing the teams morale between matches. That will save your job quicker than worrying about which role goes where :) 

I usually praise them when they train well and after a good game.

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19 minutes ago, AzevedoVCD said:

I usually praise them when they train well and after a good game.

You'll be able to get them up to around Superb/Perfect but how you manage the morale will be individualized to the player based on their personality. Calling a team meeting is a good way to kick start the morale. 

In general you can praise the conduct of everyone, criticize the conduct of anyone who's gotten a card on their record, praise over 7.0 ratings and criticize under 7.0. Commenting on recent form is the one where it has the potential to go wrong frequently.

You can put notes on individual players as you interact with them for what they'll need going forward. 

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vor 17 Minuten schrieb Cloud9:

You'll be able to get them up to around Superb/Perfect but how you manage the morale will be individualized to the player based on their personality. Calling a team meeting is a good way to kick start the morale. 

In general you can praise the conduct of everyone, criticize the conduct of anyone who's gotten a card on their record, praise over 7.0 ratings and criticize under 7.0. Commenting on recent form is the one where it has the potential to go wrong frequently.

You can put notes on individual players as you interact with them for what they'll need going forward. 

Would you give some examples how you get the morale up to super /perfect with all player?

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10 hours ago, HanziZoloman said:

Would you give some examples how you get the morale up to super /perfect with all player?

I just go through the starting 11/subs before every match and chat with them on each available interaction that's possible, praising and criticizing (or both) as appropriate. If you do this consistently and utilize team meetings you can keep morale high throughout the season. 

  • You can praise and criticize the same area of the game if you're systematic in the approach with the players. IE. If you praise conduct on a player and then select criticize conduct right after you'll be able to do both. Sometimes the interaction will not be available on different orders of interactions.
  • If you get a negative response you can click out of the interaction of the player before doubling down with further comments. The morale will still be reduced but you won't cause a personal issue with the player. 

This is a bit of a grind unfortunately but this year it's also the way to unlock setting goals with the players which makes keeping the morale at perfect really easy. If you're in a relegation fight (and not winning a lot) the grind will be especially demanding so just take it slow. FM snowballs positively or negatively and the more you win the less man management you end up having to do. 

The worse personalities you have the more difficult man management is. Players who are tricky to manage you should mark out early and give special attention to. This will also be dependent on if you start with coaching badges or not (which impact your attributes), however your own discipline attribute is pretty easy to improve just by chatting with the players.

  • Conduct is a safe options for any personality and praising especially, use liberally. Criticize conduct on anyone on a card, good personalities you can criticize with no cards on their record. Do both when possible here.
  • Training: Over under 7. This is dependent on their personality but fairly safe. Difficult personalities require attention here.
  • Last match: Over under 7. Another fairly safe option even for poor personality players but be careful, difficult players you'll want a clear performance from first. Put a note on anyone too difficult to remember how to manage them. 
  • Recent Form: High 7, Low 6. Danger! Good personalities you can praise and criticize but really this is where things go wrong on a bad personality player. I use the first 3 frequently and this one only when I can.
  • On non regen players: be wary of someone with a Volatile Media Handling, take into account a Balanced personality before chatting to them (can be fine and can be a disaster), and Perfectionists can be a little annoying too. Other personalities like Determined, Fairly Determined, Fairly Ambitious can be hiding traits that make players difficult to man manage. 

Check out your Dynamics Tab while you're at it, talking to to the players in 1v1s will give you Managerial Support (which is important) and you'll want to make sure the Team Cohesion is progressing well. If you see all three bars in the Dynamics Tab topped up, you've got a team ready to execute your tactic and over perform for you. 

Mostly it's just about consistency and chatting to the players on a weekly basis.

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I ended up getting fired...
The truth is that I really don't know what to do, I have no motivation. The essence of the game is to play with our own ideas and as such I don't like playing with tactics made by other people. I don't even like putting together a tactic using instructions to get around the game engine. I like to use real-life game principles and I'm not able to put together a winning formation. No matter how much I read about it, I still get more confused.

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11 hours ago, AzevedoVCD said:

I ended up getting fired...
The truth is that I really don't know what to do, I have no motivation. The essence of the game is to play with our own ideas and as such I don't like playing with tactics made by other people. I don't even like putting together a tactic using instructions to get around the game engine. I like to use real-life game principles and I'm not able to put together a winning formation. No matter how much I read about it, I still get more confused.

You have to remember that what you're dealing with is a game, it can't replicate real life and there are always going to be tactics that favour the match engine. 

I've tried a lot of times to translate things from real life into FM without success. 

You have to lean into what the match engine prefers a little bit, high pressing, counter pressing and counter attacking should give you a solid base and aligns with the style you wanted to play. 

From there on its a case of finding a happy medium between how you want to play with the ball and how the match engine wants you to play. 

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6 horas atrás, CJ_Randell disse:

You have to remember that what you're dealing with is a game, it can't replicate real life and there are always going to be tactics that favour the match engine. 

I've tried a lot of times to translate things from real life into FM without success. 

You have to lean into what the match engine prefers a little bit, high pressing, counter pressing and counter attacking should give you a solid base and aligns with the style you wanted to play. 

From there on its a case of finding a happy medium between how you want to play with the ball and how the match engine wants you to play. 

True! I have to remember that! Try not to invent too much and keep things simple. In my next adventure I will try to open my mind a little in relation to certain specificities of the game engine

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9 hours ago, AzevedoVCD said:

True! I have to remember that! Try not to invent too much and keep things simple. In my next adventure I will try to open my mind a little in relation to certain specificities of the game engine

I think your tactic would benefit from looking at how to transition the ball forward.

In a 4-2-3-1 it helps to have progressive wingbacks to do this or a role like a SV in the pivot who can carry the ball forward. Mixing up the frontline could help as well, even if it's just dropping the IF to a support role. 

Your striker (AF) is also quite slow, which is an issue for a spearheading forward on a midblock. Figuring out how you will score goals is another important step in setting up a successful tactic.

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Well, guys, I started a new adventure this time at the club of my heart: Benfica.
So far it's going well, but I'm not able to take advantage of my striker. Any suggestion?


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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, AzevedoVCD said:

Cóż, chłopaki, rozpocząłem nową przygodę, tym razem w klubie mojego serca: Benfice.
Jak na razie idzie dobrze, ale nie jestem w stanie wykorzystać mojego napastnika. Jakieś sugestie?


I'll repeat that it's off-topic, but what kind of skin is this?

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54 minutes ago, AzevedoVCD said:

Well, guys, I started a new adventure this time at the club of my heart: Benfica.
So far it's going well, but I'm not able to take advantage of my striker. Any suggestion?


I'd make three role changes:

  • IF(a) -> IF(s). 
  • BWM(D) -> BWM(s).
  • FB(a) -> FB(s)
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, AzevedoVCD said:

Well, guys, I started a new adventure this time at the club of my heart: Benfica.
So far it's going well, but I'm not able to take advantage of my striker. Any suggestion?


He’s being crowded by the IF and the AM on attack duties, and there’s too big a gap between your front 4 and the midfield.

Change the IF, the AM and the BWM to support duties and see how it goes. :)

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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the suggestions! I used the function in attack because I thought they would be another option to attack the goal.

Taking into account that, in most games, I will be playing against lower blocks, will it be beneficial to use the AM with the advanced game builder function in support?

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