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2-3-5 possession tactical help

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Long time FM player here looking for a bit of help.

My idea of fun on FM is fairly simple. I want to dominate possession and maintain a 3 in the midfield with the remaining attackers dropping whilst others make runs in behind, a fairly fluid system, however I can't seem to get it to the point where I'm completely happy with it.

Current system is below -



My thought process for each position is this;

FB - Attack; this player looks to move forward to provide width on the left hand side, crossing from the byline to avoid any unnecessary crosses early whilst providing decent defensive cover. Typically this role works well.

IWB - Support; the right back inverts creating part of the three, taking less risks, stopping counters and retaining possession in the midfield. I find this works for the majority of the time.

BWM - Support; this was a tricky role to get right and I'm still not sure it is. I want him to hold position and dribble less. Essentially if he doesn't hold position the middle of the pitch becomes wide open and dribbling more creates a lot more mistakes. I've tried a DM-Su however he doesn't get involved in the game and simply makes a lot less tackles. DLP-Su moves too much from the middle and again leaves us open to counters.

CM - Support; This player dribbles less, passes shorter (if not, lots of cross field passes that again lead to counters) and stays wide. Stays wide allows the 2-3 shape. This player essentially is a CAR/BBM who recycles and maintains a solid shape. He isn't a playmaker and more of another ball winner in that midfield, allowing players ahead to attack more.

CM - Attack; Only PI is to roam, find space and be creative in that final third. AP-At seems to lose possession too much with silly passes. I tend to find a player like Wirtz who likes to run with the ball more to allow him to run up the pitch and open spaces for others.

IF - Support; he roams and creates that dropping deep whilst also to look to run in behind.

W - Attack; another player roaming but my worst position. Output can be good but I tend to find this role tries to run with the ball too much and becomes isolated, losing it a lot of the time. I put on takes less risks but I'm not sure that is the solution. I tried a WM - Attack for this, which does more of the job (dribble more often not hardcoded) but in the press is too deep and allows teams to play more freely along the back line. Any input here would be great.

DLF - Attack; another role I question. Drops deep but also breaks the line, find it hard with AF or other similar roles to maintain enough possession.

Positive mentality; now again not one I want to choose however balanced doesn't press enough. It allows teams to maintain possession in their back line and they control the game from there. I just can't then get my passing right. Quite a few cross field passes which just land on opposition players allowing a counter too easily.

TI's -image.png.0cb2d6ec17f897f5f66d5e3b324f45e7.png

Narrow means they're more compact however it still gives a lot of space. Seems to work quite well.

Directness and tempo is a tricky one. Shorter passes does the cross field passes more and the same with tempo even though this can be my downfall at times too with being too slow on the ball. I don't want the meta highest tempo.

I've also tried dribble less but this just holds the team too rigid and doesn't create enough chances.



OOP seems to work ok, it can leave us high but I accept that for the most part. I wonder if dropping the line allows a bit more space to play in at times but it also creates too much space when not in possession.image.thumb.png.1639d728b64ae403f548ff8c618ff8e5.png

Here's a typical position on the field of this. I'm trialling with Man United and these players but it does change. 

Any tips would be great!


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If i may.... I'm still on FM 22 but recently i try to emulate positionnal play on a save.

So i had the same ideas for the roles.

just the FBat is a WBat...because i want him higher on the pitch even if the possession is on the right.

The IF is a IWso because i prefer that he receives the ball on his feet that on the space. And with his naturally coded PI he helps the WBat to find space.

The CMat is a Mezat more logical for me. He offers better space for the IWBso And also great partnership with Wat and better if the Wat is left foot ( in this case).

And finally i use a CFso because he does a little everything :) and a DM on defend because i've got a WBat and i just want a player in this position more conservative.

I'm happy with the set up. My problem is team instructions. I can not make up my mind. But good ideas here.

Edited by coach vahid
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I'd go with a CWB-At on the left, he'll be hard coded to hold his width on the left, and you need a player on each flank doing that. 

Add roam to the IF, and CM-At, I think the DLF will already have it hard coded, this encourages them to find pockets of space which will benefit the Positional Play style. 

I'd also switch the BWM to a role that is hard coded to hold position, at the moment you run the risk of having only your 2 centre backs as your rest defence. 

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It's a great point with the DM. The BWM on support is more of a positive mentality and with defend he is now cautious which helps the back line a lot more than I would have thought. I've been trying the AP on support on that left with dribble less, seems to be missing a player between their defence and midfield which may help there and he will drop into the 3 when needed too.

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