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[Request] Added method for scouting


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This game relies on the top leagues. And those teams there have a lot of resources - like scouts. In many countries. What about teams a few tiers lower? Or from smaller countries?


Could there be a new way to "scout"? In this method team buys services from a scout or a scouting company. That scout or company has its list of counties it knows.


For instance.

A team from a smaller European country tries to find cheaper, but skilled players. In Africa there are a lot of them, and a lot of them want to come to Europe (bigger wages!).

Team buys a service like this - send us four midfielders from country X for a try-out. They all must fit into our first eleven.


Why this suggestion?

I'm pretty sure that many smaller European teams don't have their own scouts in Africa. Still quite a lot of players come from there. So, there has to be a way to get "extra" scouting services. How much would it cost? Maybe double compared to using your own scout.

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9 hours ago, rristola said:

I'm pretty sure that many smaller European teams don't have their own scouts in Africa. Still quite a lot of players come from there. So, there has to be a way to get "extra" scouting services. How much would it cost? Maybe double compared to using your own scout.

Most of the African players who join European clubs come on trial to those clubs. If it is double the cost than a regular scout, it would probably not be worth it.

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1 hour ago, Enzu225 said:

If it is double the cost than a regular scout, it would probably not be worth it.

That question of money is not that important right now.

I used double expenses just because usually bought services are more expensive than those made by your own... So, expenses can be adjusted.


More important is whether there is a method of scouting lacking in FM. Do you think this would be necessary thing?

And, remember, in FM there already are those agents that offer their players to your club. This would only be a way to "ask" an agent or an independent scout to offer his/her players...

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14 minutes ago, Enzu225 said:

scouting agencies

I think this is the best choice to be used here. Aren't these exactly selling access into information about players?

And if we don't have a scout knowing certain area or countries, then using an agency like that could be a possibility. Now in FM we would have to change scouts...

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